1 | Introduction to cognitive neuroscience | |
2 | Neuroanatomy demonstration, wet lab | Nolte, 2002. Chapter 3. |
3 | Neuroimaging methods in cognitive neuroscience | Walsh, Vincent, and Alan Cowey. "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Cognitive Neuroscience." Nature Reviews Neuroscience 1 (2000): 73-79. Matthews, P. M., and P. Jezzard. "Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging." J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 75 (2004): 6-12. Le Bihan, Denis. "Looking into the Functional Architecture of the Brain with Diffusion MRI." Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4 (2003): 469-480. Fox, Michael D., Abraham Z. Snyder, Jeffrey M. Zacks, and Marcus E. Raichle. "Coherent Spontaneous Activity Accounts for Trial-to-trial Variability in Human Evoked Brain Responses." Nature Neuroscience 9 (2006): 23-25. |
4 | A critical eye on fMRI | Thomason, Moriah E., Brittany E. Burrows, John D. E. Gabrieli, and Gary H. Glover. "Breath Holding Reveals Differences in fMRI BOLD Signal in Children and Adults." NeuroImage 25 (2005): 824-837. Buckner, Randy I., et al. "Functional Brain Imaging of Young, Nondemented, and Demented Older Adults." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 12 (2000): 24-34. Heeger, David J., and David Ress. "What does fMRI tell us About Neuronal Activity?" Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3 (2002): 142-151. Schlaggar, Bradley L., et al. "Functional Neuroanatomical Differences Between Adults and School-Age Children in the Processing of Single Words." Science 296 (2002): 1476-1479. |
5 | Object recognition | Grill-Spector, Kalanit, and Nancy Kanwisher. "Visual Recognition: As Soon As You Know It Is There, You Know What It Is." Psychological Science 16 (2005): 152-160. Rodman, H., L. Pessoa, and L. Ungerleider. "Visual Perception of Objects." In: L. Squire, F. Bloom, S. McConnell, et al. (eds.) Fundamental Neuroscience. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Academic Press, pp. 1201-1228. Sacks, Oliver. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. New York, NY: Summit Books, 1985. Chapter 1. ISBN: 9780671554712.
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7 | Attention | Bichot, Narcisse P., Andrew F. Rossi, and Robert Desimone. "Parallel and Serial Neural Mechanisms for Visual Search in Macaque Area V4." Science 308 (2005): 529-534. Desimone, Robert, and John Duncan. "Neural Mechanisms of Selective Visual Attention." Ann Rev Neurosci 18 (1995): 193-222. Corbetta, Maurizio, and Gordon L. Shulman. "Control of Goal-Directed and Stimulus-Driven Attention in the Brain." Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3 (2002): 201-215. Moore, Tirin, and Katherine M. Armstrong. "Selective Gating of Visual Signals by Microstimulation of Frontal Cortex." Nature 421 (2003): 370-373. |
8 | Attention and neglect | Hilgetag, Claus C., Hugo Theoret, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone. "Enhanced Visual Spatial Attention Ipsilateral to rTMS-induced 'Virtual Lesions' of Human Parietal Cortex." Nature Neuroscience 4 (2001): 953-957. Pessoa, Luiz, Sabine Kastner, and Leslie G. Ungerleider. "Neuroimaging Studies of Attention: from Modulation of Sensory Processing to Top-Down Control." J Neuroscience 23 (2003): 3990-3998. Vuilleumier, Patrik, Sophie Schwartz, Karen Clarke, Masud Husain, and Jon Driver. "Testing Memory for Unseen Visual Stimuli in Patients with Extinction and Spatial Neglect." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 14 (2002): 875-886. Mesulam, M.-Marsel. "Spatial Attention and Neglect: Parietal, Frontal and Cingulate Contributions to the Mental representation and Attentional Targeting of Salient Extrapersonal Events." Phil Trans R Soc Lond B 354 (1999): 1325-1346. |
9 | Mental imagery | Kosslyn, Stephen M., Giorgio Ganis, and William L. Thompson. "Neural Foundations of Imagery." Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2 (2001): 635-642. Behrmann, Marlene. "The Mind's Eye Mapped Onto the Brain's Matter." Current Directions in Psychological Science 9 (2000): 50-54. Bunzeck, Nico, et al. "Scanning Silence: Mental Imagery of Complex Sounds." NeuroImage 26 (2005): 1119-1127. Sack, A. T., J. A. Camprodon, A. Pascual-Leone, and R. Goebel. "The Dynamics of Interhemispheric Compensatory Processes in Mental Imagery." Science 308 (2005): 702-704. |
10 | Navigation | Janzen, Gabriele, and Miranda van Turennout. "Selective Neural Representation of Objects Relevant for Navigation." Nature Neuroscience 7 (2004): 673-677. Burgess, Neil, Eleanor A. Maguire, and John O'Keefe. "The Human Hippocampus and Spatial and Episodic Memory." Neuron 35 (2002): 625-641. Wolbers, Thomas, and Christian Buchel. "Dissociable Retrosplenial and Hippocampal Contributions to Successful Formation of Survey Representations." J Neuroscience 25 (2005): 3333-3340. Voermans, Nicol C., et al. "Interaction between the Human Hippocampus and the Caudate Nucleus during Route Recognition." Neuron 43 (2004): 427-435. |
11 | Synesthesia | Hubbard, Edward M., et al. "Individual Differences among Grapheme-Color Synesthetes: Brain-Behavior Correlations." Neuron 45 (2005): 975-985. Kadosh, Roi Cohen, et al. "When Blue is Larger than Red: Colors Influence Numerical Cognition in Synesthesia." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17 (2005): 1766-1773. Knoch, Daria, Lorena R. R. Gianotti, Christine Mohr, and Peter Brugger. "Synesthesia: When Colors Count." Cognitive Brain Research 25 (2005): 372-374. Weiss, Peter H., Karl Zilles, and Gereon R. Fink. "When Visual Perception Causes Feeling: Enhanced Cross-Modal processing in Grapheme-Color Synesthesia." NeuroImage 28 (2005): 859-868. |
12 | Novelty | Strange, Bryan A., et al. "Dissociating Intentional Learning from Relative Novelty Responses in the Medial Temporal Lobe." NeuroImage 25 (2005): 51-62. Yamaguchi, Shuhei, Laura A. Hale, Mark D'Esposito, and Robert T. Knight. "Rapid Prefrontal-Hippocampal Habituation to Novel Events." J Neuroscience 24 (2004): 5356-5363. Linden, David E. "The P300: Where in the Brain Is It Produced and What Does It Tell Us?" The Neuroscientist 11 (2005): 563-576. Kohler, Stefan, Stacey Danckert, Joseph S. Gati, and Ravi S. Menon. "Novel Responses to Relational and Non-Relational Information in the Hippocampus and the Parahippocampal Region: A comparison Based on Event-Related fMRI." Hippocampus 15 (2005): 763-774. |
| Mid-term test | |
13 | Frontal lobe functions | Mitchell, Jason P., Mahzarin R. Banaji, and C. Neil Macrae. "General and Specific Contributions of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex to Knowledge about Mental States." NeuroImage 28 (2005): 757-762. Stuss, Donald T., and Brian Levine. "Adult Clinical Neuropsychology: Lessons from Studies of the Frontal Lobes." Annu Rev Psychol 53 (2002): 401-433. Huettel, Scott A., Peter B. Mack, and Gregory McCarthy. "Perceiving Patterns in Random Series: Dynamic Processing of Sequence in Prefrontal Cortex." Nature Neuroscience 5 (2002): 485-490. Gagno, Danny, Tomas Paus, et al. "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Frontal Oculomotor Regions during Smooth Pursuit." J Neuroscience 26 (2006): 458-466. |
14 | Working memory and control processes | Simons, Jon S., Adrian M. Owen, Paul C. Fletcher, and Paul W. Burgess. "Anterior Prefrontal Cortex and the Recollection of Contextual Information." Neuropsychologia 43 (2005): 1774-1783. Buchsbaum, Bradley R., Rosanna K. Olsen, Paul Koch, and Karen Faith Berman. "Human Dorsal and Ventral Auditory Streams Subserve Rehearsal-Based and Echoic Processes during Verbal Working Memory." Neuron 48 (2005): 687-697. Miller, Earl K., and Jonathan D. Cohen. "An Integrative Theory of Prefrontal Cortex Function." Annu Rev Neurosci 24 (2001): 167-202. Badre, David, and Anthony D. Wagner. "Semantic Retrieval, Mnemoic Control, and Prefrontal Cortex." Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews 1 (2002): 206-218. |
15 | Reward | O'Doherty, John P., Tony W. Buchanan, Ben Seymour, and Raymond J. Dolan. "Predictive Neural Coding of Reward Preference Involves Dissociable Responses in Human Ventral Midbrain and Ventral Striatum." Neuron 49 (2006): 157-166. Schultz, Wolfram. "Behavioral Theories and the Neurophysiology of Reward." Annu Rev Psychol 57 (2006): 87-115. Galvan, Adriana, et al. "The Role of Ventral Frontostriatal Circuitry in Reward-Based Learning in Humans." J Neuroscience 25 (2005): 8650-8656. Kringelbach, Morten L. "The Human Orbitofrontal Cortex: Linking Reward to Hedonic Experience." Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6 (2005): 691-702. |
16 | Parkinson's disease Case presentation | Singleton, A. B., et al. "α-Synuclein Locus Triplication Causes Parkinson's Disease." Science 302 (2003): 841. Aarsland, Dag, et al. "Prevalence and Characteristics of Dementia in Parkinson Disease." Arch Neurol 60 (2003): 387-392. Emre, Murat, et al. "Rivastigmine for Dementia Associated with Parkinson's Disease." N Engl J Med 351 (2004): 2509-2518. Locascio, Joseph J., Suzanne Corkin, and John H. Growdon. "Relation Between Clinical Characteristics of Parkinson's Disease and Cognitive Decline." Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 25 (2003): 94-109. |
17 | Audition and music | Mukamel, Roy, et al. "Coupling Between Neuronal Firing, Field Potentials, and fMRI in Human Auditory Cortex." Science 309 (2005): 951-954. Gaab, Nadine, Christian Gaser, and Gottfried Schlaug. "Improvement-Related Functional Plasticity following Pitch Memory Training." NeuroImage 31 (2006): 255-263. Koelsch, Stefan, and Walter A. Siebel. "Towards a Neural Basis of Music Perception." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (2005): 578-584. Zatorre, Robert J., Pascal Belin, and Virginia B. Penhune. "Structure and Function of Auditory Cortex: Music and Speech." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (2002): 37-46. |
18 | Amusia | Di Pietro, Marie, Marina Laganaro, Beatrice Leemann, and Armin Schnider. "Receptive Amusia: Temporal Auditory Processing Deficit in a Professional Musician Following a Left Temporo-Parietal Lesion." Neuropsychologia 42 (2004): 868-877. Peretz, Isabelle, et al. "Congenital Amusia: A Disorder of Fine-Grained Pitch Discrimination." Neuron 33 (2002): 185-191. Peretz, Isabelle, and Krista L. Hyde. "What is Specific to Music Processing? Insights from Congenital Amusia." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (2003): 362-367. Hyde, Krista L., and Isabelle Peretz. "Brains that are Out of Tune But in Time." Psychological Science 15 (2004): 356-360. |
19 | Sex steroids and cognition | Janowsky, Jeri S. "Thinking with Your Gonads: Testosterone and Cognition." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (2006): 77-82. Spelke, Elizabeth S. "Sex Differences in Intrinsic Aptitude for Mathematics and Science?" American Psychologist 60 (2005): 950-958. Azim, Eiman, et al. "Sex Differences in Brain Activation Elicited by Humor." PNAS 102 (2005): 16496-16501. Hamann, Stephan, Rebecca A. Herman, Carla L. Nolan, and Kim Wallen. "Men and Women Differ in Amygdala Response to Visual Sexual Stimuli." Nature Neuroscience 7 (2004): 411-416. |
20 | Plasticity in the adult brain | Poldrack, Russell A. "Imaging Brain Plasticity: Conceptual and Methodological Issues - a Theoretical Review." NeuroImage 12 (2000): 1-13. Merabet, Lotfi B., et al. "What Blindness Can Tell Us about Seeing Again: Merging Neuroplasticity and Neuroprostheses." Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6 (2005): 71-77. Amedi, Amir, et al. "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Occipital Pole Interferes with Verbal Processing in Blind Subjects." Nature Neuroscience 7 (2004): 1266-1270. Colcombe, Stanley J. "Cardiovascular Fitness, Cortical Plasticity, and Aging." PNAS 101 (2004): 3316-3321. |
21 | Anomia and category-specific naming disorders | Seidenberg, Michael, Elizabeth Geary, and Bruce Hermann. "Investigating Temporal Lobe Contribution to Confrontation Naming using MRI Quantitative Volumetrics." Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 11 (2005): 358-366. Martin, Alex, and Linda L. Chao. "Semantic Memory and the Brain: Structure and Processes." Current Opinion in Neurobiology 11 (2001): 194-201. Farah, Martha J., and Carol Rabinowitz. "Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Organisation of Semantic Memory in the Brain: Is 'Living Things' an Innate Category?" Cognitive Neuropsychology 20 (2003): 401-408. Caramazza, Alfonso, and Bradford Z. Mahon. "The Organization of Conceptual Knowledge: the Evidence from Category-Specific Semantic Deficits." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (2003): 354-361. |
22 | Effects of sleep on memory | Stickgold, Robert, et al. "Replaying the Game: Hypnagogic Images in Normals and Amnesics." Science 290 (2000): 350-353. Takashima, A., et al. "Declarative Memory Consolidation in Humans: A Prospective Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study." PNAS 103 (2006): 756-761. Walker, Matthew P., and Robert Stickgold. "Sleep, Memory, and Plasticity." Annu Rev Psychol 57 (2006): 139-166. |
23 | Mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer's disease Case presentation | Klunk, William E., et al. "Imaging Brain Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease with Pittsburgh Compound-B." Ann Neurol 55 (2004): 306-319. Locascio, Joseph J., John H. Growdon, and Suzanne Corkin. "Cognitive Test Performance in Detecting, Staging and Tracking Alzheimer's Disease." Archives of Neurology 52 (1995): 1087-1099. Petersen, Ronald C., et al. "Mild cognitive impairment: Clinical Characterization and Outcome." Archives of Neurology 56 (1999): 303-308. SantaCruz, K., et al. "Tau Suppression in a Neurodegenerative Mouse Model Improves Memory Function." Science 309 (2005): 476-481. |
24 | Cognition in alzheimer's disease | Buckner, Randy L., et al. "Molecular, Structural, and Functional Characterization of Alzheimer's Disease: Evidence for a Relationship Between Default Activity, Amyloid, and Memory." J Neuroscience 25 (2005): 7709-7717. Scheff, Stephen W., Douglas A. Price, Frederick A. Schmitt, and Elliot J. Mufson. "Hippocampal Synaptic Loss in Early Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment." Neurobiol Aging 27 (2006): 1372-1384. Mitchell, Jason P., Alison L. Sullivan, Daniel L. Schacter, Andrew E. Budson. "Misattribution Errors in Alzheimer's Disease: The Illusory Truth Effect." Neuropsychology 20 (2006): 185-192. |
25 | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Pascalis, Olivier, Michelle de Haan, and Charles A. Nelson. "Is Face Processing Species-Specific During the First year of Life?" Science 296 (2002): 1321-1323. Pascalis, O., et al. "Plasticity of Face Processing in Infancy." PNAS 102 (2005): 5297-5300. Nelson, Charles A., Kathleen M. Thomas, and Michelle de Haan. Neuroscience of Cognitive Development: The Role of Experience and the Developing Brain. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Chapter 1. ISBN: 9780471745860.
| Final examination | |