
Technology Strategy >> Content Detail



The following assignments are due as part of the class.

"Weekly" Two Pagers

Papers are due on the following dates and on the following topics. Papers should be one to three pages long, excluding tables or figures, double or 1.5 spaced, 11 or 12 point font and 1 inch margins.

2Sketch the relevant S curve(s) for your industry. Is the industry likely to be subject to "natural technological limits"? Why or why not? Has it experienced "disruptions"? Is it likely to do so soon?
4How have the firms in your industry captured the value that they have created historically? What has been the relative role of complementary assets and uniqueness? Does this differ across firms? Will this change in the future?
8What are the principle drivers of industry evolution and market structure in your industry?
10Draw the value chain for your industry. Where is most of the value captured? Why? Is the structure of the chain likely to change?

Final Paper

The final paper should illustrate the application of one or more of the frameworks developed in the class to an industry or firm of your choice. It is due the last day of class. It should be roughly ten to fifteen pages in length and can be completed either individually or in groups of two or three. You do not have to write your final paper with the same people (or about the same industry) with whom you wrote your "2 pagers", but you may if you wish. My goal is to support you in writing about a topic that interests you.

Previous Titles Have Included

The future of fuel cells
What happened to GO?
Structuring Corporate Research at Otis Elevator
Seiko-Epson's Message Watch in the Taiwan Market
Red Hat and Linux®: The battle for a standard
Sony vs Microsoft® in the video game market
The future of Nanotechnology

A brief paragraph outlining your topic and listing the people with whom you hope to work is due in class during session 13. 


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