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1(Brief) Trip Through TimeAmazon logo Jenkins, Henry. "Games, the New Lively Art." In Handbook of Computer Game Studies. Edited by Joost Raessens and Jeffrey Goldstein. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005. ISBN: 9780262182409.

Amazon logo Crawford, Chris. Chapters 1-4 in Chris Crawford on Game Design. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders, 2003, pp. 6-53. ISBN: 9780131460997.

Reference: The Dot Eaters: Video Game History 101.
2Game BasicsAmazon logo Bates, Bob. "Concepts/Principles of Game Design." Chapters 1-2 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 4-46. ISBN: 9780761531654.

Amazon logo ———. "Storytelling." Chapter 4 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 76-102. ISBN: 9780761531654.

Amazon logo Murray, Janet. "A New Medium for Storytelling." Part I in Hamlet on the Holodeck. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998, pp. 13-65. ISBN: 9780262631877.

Aarseth, Espen. "Genre Trouble." First Person, 2004.

Amazon logo Wolf, Mark J. P. "Genre and the Video Game." Chapter 6 in The Medium of the Video Game. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780292791503.

Demo: Videos of Game Genres.
3Game Basics (cont.)Amazon logo Bates, Bob. "Getting to Yes." Chapter 1 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 1-20. ISBN: 9780761531654.

Amazon logo ———. "Project Lifecycle." Chapter 10 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 206-218. ISBN: 9780761531654.

Amazon logo Crawford, Chris. Chapters 6-8 in Chris Crawford on Game Design . Indianapolis, IN: New Riders, 2003, pp. 71-106. ISBN: 9780131460997.
4Designing GamesAmazon logo Bates, Bob. "Game Design Issues." Chapter 3 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 48-74. ISBN: 9780761531654.

Amazon logo ———. "Managing Development." Chapter 11 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 48-74 and 220-238. ISBN: 9780761531654.
5Class Workshop: Teams and ProjectsAmazon logo Bates, Bob. "Level Design." Chapter 5 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 90-122. ISBN: 9780761531654.
6"Storytelling and Narrative"

Amazon logo Rollings, Andrew, and Ernest Adams. Chapter 4 in Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design . New York, NY: New Riders Games, 2003, pp. 89-119. ISBN: 9781592730018.

Amazon logo Bates, Bob. "Managing Development." Chapter 11 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 48-74 and 220-238 [reread]. ISBN: 9780761531654.

Guest Lecture: Steve Meretzky, one of the most respected writers and designers in the industry, Steve Meretzky has written Infocom™ games, including The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and is currently working with Paul Neurath on mobile games. For further reference, read his interviews with the BBC and

Hear his lecture about interactive storytelling: (MP3 - 24.4MB). The following portions of audio were removed due to copyright restrictions:

Amazon logo Sheldon, Lee. "Prelude in a Fire-Lit Cave." In Character Development and Storytelling for Games (Game Development Series). Boston, MA: Thomson Course Technology, 2004, p. 1. ISBN: 9781592003532.

Amazon logo Campbell, Joseph. Prologue, paragraph 3, in The Hero with a Thousand Faces. 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1972. ISBN: 9780691017846.

Amazon logo Card, Orson Scott. Excerpt p. 258, middle of paragraph 3 to end of paragraph 5 in "The Originist." In Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card. New York, NY: Tom Doherty Associates, 2004, pp. 214-262. ISBN: 9780765308405.

7Team BuildingAmazon logo Bates, Bob. "The Development Team." Chapter 8 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 143-180. ISBN: 9780761531654. [Or Amazon logo 2nd ed. 2004, pp. 151-182. ISBN: 9781592004935.]
8"Using Outside Resources"Amazon logo Bates, Bob. "The Development Team." Chapter 19 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 182-202. ISBN: 9780761531654.

Amazon logo Stone, Allucquère Rosanne. "Cyberdammerung at the Atari Lab." Chapter 6 in The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996, pp. 122-155. ISBN: 9780262691895.

Amazon logo Also review the following article: Jassin, Lloyd J. "Working with Freelancers: What Every Publisher Should Know About the 'Work for Hire' Doctrine.", 2000. Adapted from Jassin, Lloyd J., and Steven C. Schechter. Copyright Permission and Libel Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers. New York, NY: Wiley, 1998. ISBN: 9780471146544.
9Play Balance and Online GamesAmazon logo Rollings, Andrew, and Ernest Adams. "Internal Economy of Games." Chapter 8 in Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design. New York, NY: New Riders Games, 2003, pp. 239-288. ISBN: 9781592730018.

Amazon logo ———. "Online Games." Chapter 17 in Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design. New York, NY: New Riders Games, 2003, pp. 499-532. ISBN: 9781592730018.
10"Introduction to Marketing and Intellectual Property"Amazon logo Bates, Bob. "The Development Team." Chapter 12 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 237-253. ISBN: 9780761531654.
11Selling your GameAmazon logo Bates, Bob. "The Development Team." Chapter 13 in Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech's Game Development Series, ed. André LaMothe. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2001, pp. 248-260. ISBN: 9780761531654.
12Workshop: Polishing the Presentation and Business PlanAmazon logo Salisbury, Ashley. "Pitch Materials." Chapter 3 in Game Development Business and Legal Guide. Boston, MA: Premier Press, 2003, pp. 87-91. ISBN: 9781592000425.
13Team PresentationsAmazon logo Crawford, Chris. "Themes and Lessons." Chapter 27 in Chris Crawford on Game Design. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders Games, 2003, pp. 424-454. ISBN: 9780131460997.


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