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Required Textbook
Helgason, Sigurdur. Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2001. ISBN 0821828487.
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Elementary Differential Geometry
Manifolds Tensor Fields
Vector Fields and 1-Forms Tensor Algebra The Grassman Algebra Exterior Differentiation Mappings
The Interpretation of the Jacobian Transformation of Vector Fields Effect on Differential Forms Affine Connections Parallelism The Exponential Mapping Covariant Differentiation The Structural Equations The Riemannian Connection Complete Riemannian Manifolds Isometries Sectional Curvature Riemannian Manifolds of Negative Curvature Totally Geodesic Submanifolds Appendix
Topology Mappings of Constant RankChapter II: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
- The Exponential Mapping
- The Lie Algebra of a Lie Group
- The Universal Enveloping Algebra
- Left Invariant Affine Connections
- Taylor's Formula and the Differential of the Exponential Mapping
- Lie Subgroups and Subalgebras
- Lie Transformation Groups
- Coset Spaces and Homogeneous Spaces
- The Adjoint Group
- Semisimple Lie Groups
- Invariant Differential Forms
- Perspectives
Chapter III: Structure of Semisimple Lie Algebras
Preliminaries Theorems of Lie and Engel Cartan Subalgebras Root Space Decomposition Significance of the Root Pattern Real Forms Cartan Decompositions Examples. The Complex Classical Lie AlgebrasChapter IV: Symmetric Spaces
Affine Locally Symmetric Spaces Groups of Isometries Riemannian Globally Symmetric Spaces The Exponential Mapping and the Curvature Locally and Globally Symmetric Spaces Compact Lie Groups Totally Geodesic Submanifolds. Lie Triple SystemsChapter V: Decomposition of Symmetric Spaces
Orthogonal Symmetric Lie Algebras The Duality Sectional Curvature of Symmetric Spaces Symmetric Spaces with Semisimple Groups of Isometries Notational Conventions Rank of Symmetric SpacesChapter VI: Symmetric Spaces of the Noncompact Type
Decomposition of a Semisimple Lie Group Maximal Compact Subgroups and Their Conjugacy The Iwasawa Decomposition Nilpotent Lie Groups Global Decompositions The Complex CaseChapter VII: Symmetric Spaces of the Compact Type
The Contrast between the Compact Type and the Noncompact Type The Weyl Group and the Restricted Roots Conjugate Points. Singular Points. The Diagram Applications to Compact Groups Control over the Singular Set The Fundamental Group and the Center The Affine Weyl Group Application to the Symmetric Space U/K Classification of Locally Isometric Spaces Geometry of U/K. Symmetric Spaces of Rank One Shortest Geodesics and Minimal Totally Geodesic Spheres Appendix. Results from Dimension TheoryChapter VIII: Hermitian Symmetric Spaces
Almost Complex Manifolds Complex Tensor Fields. The Ricci Curvature Bounded Domains. The Kernel Function Hermitian Symmetric Spaces of the Compact Type and the Noncompact Type Irreducible Orthogonal Symmetric Lie Algebras Irreducible Hermitian Symmetric Spaces Bounded Symmetric DomainsChapter IX: Structure of Semisimple Lie Groups
Cartan, Iwasawa, and Bruhat Decompositions The Rank-One Reduction The SU (2,1) Reduction Cartan Subalgebras Automorphisms The Multiplicities Jordan DecompositionsChapter X: The Classification of Simple Lie Algebras and of Symmetric Spaces
Reduction of the Problem The Classical Groups and Their Cartan Involutions
Some Matrix Groups and Their Lie Algebras Connectivity Properties The Involutive Automorphisms of the Classical Compact Lie Algebras Root Systems
Generalities Reduced Root Systems Classification of Reduced Root Systems. Coxeter Graphs and Dynkin Diagrams The Nonreduced Root Systems The Highest Root Outer Automorphisms and the Covering Index The Classification of Simple Lie Algebras over C Automorphisms of Finite Order of Semisimple Lie Algebras The Classifications
The Simple Lie Algebras over C and Their Compact Real Forms. The Irreducible Riemannian Globally Symmetric Spaces of Type II and Type IV The Real Forms of Simple Lie Algebras over C. Irreducible Riemannian Globally Symmetric Spaces of Type I and Type IV Irreducible Hermitian Symmetric Spaces Coincidences between Different Classes. Special Isomorphisms
The first two papers below are quite elementary and non-technical and are passed out at the very beginning of the course. They serve as motivation. The third one is more technical and is passed out near the end of the course.
For a thorough treatment of the history of the subject, see