Stanford University students study their own DNA
Source: Posted By: Souravs Mookherjee..4324 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Most students read about genetics in a textbook. Stanford University students are reading something far more intimate: their own DNA code. In this firsthand view of their blueprint of life,....
Stanford to join Harvard, MIT in online education
Source: Posted By: Kalyani KAV...4375 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Stanford University announced Wednesday that it is joining forces with Harvard and MIT on developing a computer system that allows colleges to offer free online courses, a collaboration that....
Stanford University Is 1st College to Raise $1B
Source: ABC News Posted By: Mangesh Kavathekar..4417 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Stanford University has set a new record for college fundraising, becoming the first school to collect more than $1 billion in a single year, according to a report released Wednesday. For....
Stanford renames education school
Source: Biz Journals Posted By: Daniel YAN...4454 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Stanford University has renamed its education school the Stanford Graduate School of Education. Stanford said in a release that the change was to "better reflect the rigor of its research....
Stanford University neuosurgeon in training selected for White House fellows program
Source: Posted By: yara HUS...4585 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Anand Veeravagu, a neurosurgeon in training at Stanford University's School of Medicine, has been appointed to the 2012-13 class of White House fellows, the Office of the Press Secretary announced....
Stanford University Selects Active Power to Support New $41 Million Research Computing Facility
Source: Market Watch Posted By: Benjamin HAG...4615 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
To help achieve its UPS (uninterruptible power supply) efficiency requirements while providing full power protection to its mission critical computing clusters, Stanford University will deploy....
Stanford University School of Medicine names new dean
Source: Posted By: Sourav1 MOO...4632 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Dr. Lloyd B. Minor, the provost of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, has been picked to become the new leader of the Stanford University School of Medicine. He will start in December,....
Stanford University Fundraising Campaign Nets $6.2 Billion In Five Years
Source: huffingtonpost. Posted By: kalyani MOR...4793 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Stanford University's latest five-year fundraising drive netted $6.2 billion, the largest amount ever raised in a higher education campaign, school officials said Wednesday. Money from the....
Stanford ends bid to build NYC tech school
Source: Posted By: kalyani KAL...4846 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
California's Stanford University, one of the top engineering schools in the United States, said on Friday it had dropped out of the bidding to build an applied sciences and engineering college....
Stanford University Reports FY 2011 Financial Results
Source: Market Watch Posted By: Mangesh KAV...4849 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Stanford University reported its financial results for fiscal year 2011 (FY2011), which ended Aug. 31, 2011. Consolidated net assets increased $3.7 billion, or 17 percent, to end the year at....
Stanford, Cornell Among 15 Colleges Seeking New York Campus
Source: Posted By: asda DSA...4894 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Stanford and Cornell are among 15 universities submitting seven bids to open a science and engineering campus in New York, responding to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s competition to create technology....
Supreme Court Sides With Roche In Patent Battle With Stanford
Source: Posted By: someone3 SOM...5042 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that Stanford University can't win a patent infringement case against a Roche Holding AG (RHHBY, ROG.VX) subsidiary because the company held co-ownership interests....
Rare book collection on display at Stanford University
Source: Posted By: someone2 SOM...5138 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Over hundreds of years, and thousands of miles, a collection of rare historic books now on display at Stanford University bristles with an excitement as fresh as yesterday. The collection,....
Stanford Docs Still Accepting Drug Company Cash
Source: Posted By: someone SOM...5209 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Back in 2006, Stanford University's medical school garnered a lot of praise for giving pharmaceutical sales reps the boot from campus and banning free lunches and handouts for physicians, paid....
Stanford University-Roche Patent Fight Will Get U.S. Supreme Court Review
Source: Posted By: someone1 SOM...5259 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to use a case involving Stanford University and Roche Holding AG to clarify the rules that govern rights to inventions developed using federal funds. The justices....
Google Plans on Building 1Gbps Broadband Network at Stanford University
Source: Posted By: mihir SHA...5269 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Google’s aspirations are never small. They aim high, and sometimes they tend to hit the mark. The company’s aspirations to create a 1Gbps broadband network seems to have localized on one....
Stanford researchers get $5.4 million for stem cell research
Source: Posted By: Kavita1 KUS...5389 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Four Stanford University School of Medicine researchers have been awarded about $5.6 million for stem cell research projects. Specifically, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine....
Cheating Cases on Rise at Stanford
Source: Posted By: 325..5525 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
In the last decade, the number of cheating cases considered by Stanford University's judicial board has more than doubled, to 123 from 52, The San Jose Mercury News reported. Stanford officials....
Stanford ranks first in private donations
Source: L. A. Times Posted By: viv CHA...5529 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Stanford University raised more in private donations than any other U.S. college or university last year, even as charitable support for higher education fell steeply nationwide because of the....
Stanford receives record number of applications
Source: Posted By: mygmi 200...5539 days ago
Campus: Stanford University
Despite a shaky national economy, Stanford University has received a record number of applications for its fall freshman class. With foreign applications still trickling in, the university....