Two students to receive groundbreaking hip-hop scholarship
Source: Posted By: Souravs Mookherjee..4503 days ago
Campus: University of Wisconsin-Madison
High school students don’t typically win at the Soul Train Music Awards. But on Sunday, Nov. 25, two young artists held their breath for an announcement that could change their lives. Lyte The....
University of Wisconsin Considering Punishing Doctors Who Issued Sick Notes to Protesters
Source: Fox News Posted By: Kalyani KAV...5082 days ago
Campus: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Some of the doctors at the University of Wisconsin who gave out sick notes to union supporters skipping work to protest face punishment ranging from written reprimands to docked pay and loss....
Group Seeks Labor E-Mails by Michigan Professors
Source: New York Times Posted By: Mangesh Kavathekar..5112 days ago
Campus: University of Wisconsin-Madison
A conservative research group in Michigan has issued a far-reaching public records request to the labor studies departments at three public universities in the state, seeking any e-mails involving....
U. of Wis. foreign students excluded from union
Source: Chicago Tribune Posted By: Daniel YAN...5542 days ago
Campus: University of Wisconsin-Madison
International students will not be allowed to join a union for research assistants at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Gov. Jim Doyle has signed a law granting research assistants the....
Spring Commencement Speakers Making Headlines
Source: saycampuslife.c Posted By: yara HUS...5805 days ago
Campus: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Last month, we shared who some of the commencement speakers will be at college graduation ceremonies this spring. We mentioned that the president has three ceremonies to attend while quite a....
Most 2009 College Grads Find Lower Salary Offers
Source: Posted By: Benjamin HAG...5832 days ago
Campus: University of Wisconsin-Madison
This is shaping up to be a bad year for freshly minted college graduates. The 1.5 million students receiving bachelor's degrees in 2009 will be competing with more than 1.8 million degree holders....