Penn State Leads List of Highest-Paying Public Universities for Presidents
Source: ABC News Posted By: Souravs Mookherjee..4335 days ago
Campus: Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Main Campus (PSU)
While former president of Penn State University, Graham Spanier, left the university during the worst scandal it has seen during his 16 year tenure, he was well compensated as the highest-paid....
Sandusky's Second Mile charity: Donate elsewhere
Source: CBS News Posted By: Kalyani KAV...4866 days ago
Campus: Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Main Campus (PSU)
A charity for at-risk children founded by a former Penn State assistant football coach now charged with molesting boys has asked its donors to give their money to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against....
PSU reworks ‘academic freedom’
Source: Posted By: Mangesh Kavathekar..5190 days ago
Campus: Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Main Campus (PSU)
Penn State’s academic freedom policy, which covers the sometimes sensitive issues of university governance and what is OK to discuss in class, recently received an update from the Faculty Senate....
Molecular machines drive plasmonic nanoswitches
Source: Posted By: Daniel YAN...5887 days ago
Campus: Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Main Campus (PSU)
University Park, Pa. -- Plasmonics -- a possible replacement for current computing approaches -- may pave the way for the next generation of computers that operate faster and store more information....