The mathematics and physics required for admission to the graduate curriculum in the EAPS department, fluid dynamics at the level taught in Fluid Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean (12.800), or consent of the instructor.
Introduction to turbulence in geophysical systems, including 3-D, 2-D, and quasi-geostrophic turbulence. Transition to turbulence through primary and secondary instabilities. Statistical theories of fully-developed turbulence. Influence of stratification and rotation. Parameterization of turbulent processes in ocean models.
Transition to turbulence
Statistics and turbulence
3D turbulence
Two-D turbulence
QG turbulence
Mean field approximation
SQG turbulence
Effective diffusivity
Transformed Eulerian mean
Transformed Eulerian mean in 3D
Particle motions, Stokes' drift
Atmospheric macroturbulence
Baroclinic turbulence
Wind-driven turbulence
Turbulent boundary layers
Nonlinear internal waves, solitary waves
Topographic waves