1 | Introduction to Organic Chemistry, Review, Molecular Structure | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF 1) (PDF 2) |
2 | Resonance, Acidity and Basicity | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | |
3 | Alkanes and Isomerism | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) |
4 | Conformational Analysis of Alkanes | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) |
5 | Conformational Analysis of Cycloalkanes | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) |
6 | Stereochemistry I | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) |
7 | Stereochemistry II, Overview of Chemical Reactions I | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | |
8 | Overview of Chemical Reactions II | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) |
9 | Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Reaction Coordinate Diagrams | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | |
10 | Alkenes | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) |
11 | Electrophilic Addition to Alkenes (EAA): Carbocation Intermediate (Mechanism, Regiospecificity, Carbocation Stability, Hammond Postulate) | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | |
12 | EAA: Stereochemistry, Rearrangements | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) |
13 | EAA: 3-Membered Ring Intermediate | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | |
14 | EAA: Concerted Mechanism | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | |
15 | Alkene Cleavage, Addition of HBr (radical) | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) Chanteau, Stephanie H., and James M. Tour. "Synthesis of Anthropomorphic Molecules." J Org Chem 68 (2003): 8750-8766. |
16 | Alkynes | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | (PDF) |
17 | Reactions of Alkynes | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | |
18 | Alkyl Halides | Dr. Kimberly Berkowski | |
19 | Alkyl Halides, Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | (PDF) |
20 | Alkyl Halides, Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | (PDF) |
21 | Alkyl Halides, Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | |
22 | Alkyl Halides: Elimination Reactions, Aromaticity | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | (PDF) |
23 | Alkyl Halides: Elimination Reactions, Aromaticity (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | (PDF) |
24 | Alkyl Halides: Elimination Reactions, Aromaticity (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | |
25 | Aromaticity | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | (PDF 1) (PDF 2) |
26 | Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | |
27 | Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | |
28 | Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | |
29 | Alcohols and Phenols, Introduction to Catalysis | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | (PDF) |
30 | Alcohols and Phenols, Introduction to Catalysis (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | (PDF 1) (PDF 2) |
31 | Alcohols and Phenols, Introduction to Catalysis (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | (PDF) |
32 | Carbonyl Chemistry | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | |
33 | Carbonyl Chemistry (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | |
34 | Multistep Synthesis | Prof. Sarah O'Connor | |
35 | Multistep Synthesis (cont.) | Prof. Sarah O'Connor |