This course is graded pass/fail, and the grade depends on attendance, participation, and the successful completion of two papers.
To facilitate discussion and participation, you are required to email me two questions regarding each paper you have read prior to our meeting. These questions must be handed in no later than 8 pm of the day before the session.
The text of a paper with the abstract and title omitted will be given to you. You will be expected to write a title and an abstract based on your in-depth reading and analysis of the paper. Due on Ses #6.
Assignment 1 (PDF)
Using the general subject of your own research projects, identify an area in which altered ROS levels or oxidative stress may be playing a critical physiological role. Based on this, write a 2-3 page double-spaced project proposal which should include the following:
Your final presentation should also be broken up along similar categories - please make sure that your talk is no more than 15 minutes, with 5 additional minutes for questions.
Your introductory paragraphs should be submitted for critique and suggestions regarding the final paper and presentation.
Paper 2 Topics
The students taking the course were each involved in research projects in areas that were relevant to the assignment. The areas of research and the titles of their papers are as follows: