1 | Course Overview | |
2-3 | The Ideology of Progress, Modernization, Development and Planning | Required
Friedmann, John. "Two Centuries of Planning Thought: An Over-View." In Planning in the Public Domain. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1985, pp. 51-85. ISBN: 0691022682.
Mazlish, B. "The Idea of Progress." Daedalus 93 (Summer 1963): 447-461.
Rothschild, Emma. "Psychological Modernity in Historical Perspective." In Rethinking the Development Experience: essays provoked by the work of Albert O. Hirschman. Edited by L. Rodwin and D. Schon. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute, 1994, pp. 99-117. ISBN: 0815775512.
Geertz, Clifford. "Modernities." In After the Fact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995, pp. 136-168. ISBN: 0674008715.
Katznelson, I. "Social Justice, Liberalism and the City: Considerations on David Harvey, John Rawls and Karl Polanyi," "Social Justice and the Urban Experience." In The Urbanization of Injustice. Edited by Andy Merrifield and Erik Swyngedouw. New York, NY: New York University Press, 1995, pp. 45-64, 1-17. ISBN: 0814755763.
Marx, L. "The Idea of Technology and Postmodern Pessimism." In Technology, Pessimism, and Postmodernism. Edited by Yaron Ezrahi, Everett Mendelson, and Howard Segal. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, pp. 11-28. ISBN: 079232630X.
Polanyi, Karl. "Birth of the Liberal Creed." In The Great Transformation. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1957, pp. 135-162. ISBN: 0807056790.
Sen, Amartya. "East and West: The Reach of Reason." New York Review of Books 47, no. 12 (July 20, 2000): 33-38.
———. Development as Freedom. New York, NY: Anchor Books, 2000, chapter 1. ISBN: 0385720270.
Teresi, Dick. Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science - From Babylonians to the Maya. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 2002, pp. 1-20. ISBN: 0684837188. |
4-5 | Historical Awareness of the Origins of Developmental Planning | Required
Sanyal, Bishwapriya. "From the Benevolent to the Evil State: History of the Rise of the Anti-Government Sentiment in Developmental Discourse." In Cooperative Autonomy: The Dialectic of State-NGO Relationship in Developing Countries. Geneva, Switzerland: International Institute for Labor Studies, 1994, pp. 3-32. ISBN: 9290145307.
Hirschman, A. "The Political Economy of Latin American Development: Seven Exercises in Retrospective." Latin American Research Review 22, no. 3 (1987): 7-36.
Ingham, B. "The Meanings of Development: Interactions Between 'New' and 'Old' Ideas." World Development 21, no. 11 (1993): 1803-1821.
Agarwala, Ramgopal. Planning In Developing Countries: Lessons of Experience. World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 576, Washington, DC: World Bank, 1982. ISBN: 0821303031.
Alterman, Rachelle. "National Level Planning in Democratic Countries: A Comparative Perspective." In National Level Planning in Democratic Countries: an International Comparison of City and Regional Policy Making. Edited by Rachelle Alterman. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2001, pp. 1-42. ISBN: 0853238456.
Arndt, Heinz Wolfgang. Economic Development: The History of an Idea. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1987, pp. 9-48. ISBN: 0226027228.
Balbo, M. "Urban Planning and the Fragmented City of Developing Countries." Third World Planning Review 15, no. 1 (1993): 23-35.
Bardhan, P. "Symposium on Democracy and Development." Journal of Economic Perspectives 7, no. 3 (1993): 45-49.
Chenery, H. "The Evolution of Development Planning." Journal of Policy Modeling 6, no. 2 (1984): 159-174.
McNeill, D. "The Changing Practice of Urban Planning." Habitat International 7, nos. 5-6 (1983): 117-127.
Peattie, Lisa. Planning: Rethinking Ciudad Guayana. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1987, pp. 7-72, 111-152. ISBN: 0472080695.
Todaro, Michael. "Development Planning: Theory and Practice." In Economic Development in The Third World. New York, NY: Longman, 1981, pp. 429-466. ISBN: 0582295335. |
6-7 | Anti-Planning Arguments | Required
Kolsterman, R. "Arguments for and Against Planning." In Readings in Planning Theory. Edited by Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003, pp. 86-101. ISBN: 0631223479.
Arndt, Heinz Wolfgang. "Radical Counterpoint: The Left." In Economic Development: The History of an Idea. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1987, pp. 115-147. ISBN: 0226027228.
Berlin, Isaiah. "The Pursuit of the Ideal." In The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters on the History of Ideas. Edited by Isaiah Berlin and Henry Hardy. New York, NY: Knopf, 1991, pp. 1-21. ISBN: 0679401318.
Escobar, A. "Planning." In The Development Dictionary: A Guide to Knowledge and Power. Edited by Wolfgang Sachs. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Zed Books, 1992, pp. 132-145. ISBN: 1856490440.
Bates, Robert. Markets and States in Tropical Africa: The Political Basis of Agricultural Policies. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1981, pp. 81-95. ISBN: 0520052293.
Popper, Karl R. The Open Society and Its Enemies. London, UK: Routledge, 1994, pp. 169-201. ISBN: 0415282365.
Bauman, Z. "Gamekeepers Turned Gardners." In Legislators and Interpreters: On Modernity, Post-Modernity and Intellectuals. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987, pp. 51-67. ISBN: 0745601367.
Marglin, Stephen A., et al., eds. Dominating Knowledge. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1990, pp. 1-28. ISBN: 0198286945.
Zukin, S. "Cultural Strategies of Economic Development and the Hegemony Of Vision." In The Urbanization of Injustice. Edited by Andy Merrifield and Erik Swyngedouw. New York, NY: New York University Press, 1995, pp. 223-244. ISBN: 0814755763.
Scott, James C. "The High Modernist City: An Experiment and a Critique." In Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Conditions Have Failed. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998, pp. 103-145. ISBN: 0300070160.
Harvey, D. "On Planning the Ideology of Planning." In Planning Theory in the 1980s: A Search for Future Directions. Edited by R. Burchell and D. Listokin. New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, 1978, pp. 213-234. ISBN: 0882850482.
Yitfachel, O. "Planning and Social Control: Exploring the Dark Side." Journal of Planning Literature 12, no. 4 (May 1998): 395-406.
Roweis, S., and A. J. Scott. "Urban Planning in Theory and Practice: A Reappraisal." Environment and Planning A 9 (1977): 1097-1119.
Arndt, Heinz Wolfgang. "Radical Counterpoint: The Right." In Economic Development: The History of an Idea. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1987, pp. 149-163. ISBN: 0226027228.
Hirschman, Albert. The Rhetoric of Reaction. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1991, pp. 1-10, 133-148. ISBN: 067476868X.
Srinivasan, T. N. "Neo-Classical Political Economy, the State and Economic Development." Asian Development Review 3, no. 3 (1985): 38-58.
Krueger, A. "The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking State." American Economic Review 64, no. 3 (1974): 291-303.
Robertson, A. F. "Structure and Process." In People and The State: An Anthropology of Planned Development. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1984, pp. 85-139. ISBN: 052131948X.
Farber, Mike, and Dudley Seers, eds. The Crisis in Planning. London, UK: Chatto and Windus for Sussex University Press, 1977, pp. 39-52. ISBN: 085621003X. |
8 | Why Still Believe in Planning? The Reasons for a Hopeful View | Required
Tendler, Judith. Good Government in the Tropics. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1997, pp. 1-20. ISBN: 0801854520.
Chang, H. Joon. "Institutions and Economic Development: Good Governance in Historical Perspective." In Kicking Away the Ladder: Policies and Institutions for Development in Historical Perspective. London, UK: Anthem Press, 2002, pp. 61-81, 99-123. ISBN: 1843310279.
Sanyal, Bishwapriya. "Social Construction of Hope." In Rethinking The Development Experience. Edited by L. Rodwin and Donald Schon. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1994, pp. 131-144. ISBN: 0815775512.
Brooks, Michael. "Running the Gauntlet of Planning Critics." In Planning Theory for Practitioners. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association Press, 2002, pp. 35-49. ISBN: 1884829597.
Hirschman, Albert. "In Defense of Possibilism." In Rival Views of Market Society. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1986, pp. 171-175. ISBN: 0670813192.
Borja, Jordi, and Manuel Castells. "Strategic Plans and Metropolitan Projects." In Local and Global: Management of Cities in the Information Age. London, UK: Earthscan Publications, UNCHS, 1997, pp. 151-180. ISBN: 1853834416.
Krumholz, Norman, and John Forester. "Possibilities." In Making Equity Planning Work: Leadership in the Public Sector. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1990, pp. 209-223. ISBN: 0877227012.
Sen, Amartya. "Public Action and the Quality of Life in Developing Countries." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 43, no. 4 (November 1981): 287-316.
———. "Development: Which Way Now?" Economic Journal 93, no. 372 (1983): 742-762.
Amsden, Alice. "A Theory of Government Intervention in Late Industrialization." In State and Market in Development: Synergy and Rivalry. Edited by Louis Putterman and Dietrich Rueschemeyer. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1992, pp. 53-84. ISBN: 1555873111.
Paul, Samuel. Managing Development Programs: The Lessons of Success. Boulder, CO: West View Press, 1982, pp. 227-244. ISBN: 086531411X.
Hirschman, Albert. "Underdevelopment, Obstacles to the Perception of Change and Leadership." In A Bias for Hope. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1971, pp. 328-341. ISBN: 0300014902.
Killick, Tony. "Rethinking the Role of the State." In A Reaction Too Far. London, UK: Overseas Development Institute, 1989, pp. 21-33. ISBN: 0850031206.
Toye, J. "Development Planning at the Crossroads." International Journal of Development Planning Literature 5, no. 2 (1990): 43-57.
Streeten, P. "Markets and State: Against Minimalism." World Development 21, no. 8: 1281-1298.
Rueschemeyer, D., and P. Evans. "The State and Economic Transformation: Towards an Analysis of the Conditions Underlying Effective Interventions." In Bringing the State Back In. Edited by P. Evans, et al. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. 44-77. ISBN: 0521313139. |
9 | Information Session for Case Studies Selected for Student Presentations | Required
The African Capacity Building Initiative: Toward Improved Policy Analysis and Development Management: Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1999. ISBN: 0821317350.
Brinkerhoff, D., and A. Goldsmith. "Promoting Sustainability and Development Institutions: A Framework for Strategy." World Development 20, no. 3 (March 1992): 369-383.
Sussman, G. I. "The Pilot Project and the Choice of Implementing Strategy: Community Development in India." In Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World. Edited by Merilee Grindle. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980, pp. 114-122. ISBN: 0691021953.
Uphoff, Norman. "Analyzing Options for Local Institutional Development." In Local Institutional Development: An Analytical Sourcebook with Cases. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press, 1985, pp. 1-19. ISBN: 0931816386.
Jain, P. S. "Managing Credit for the Rural Poor: Lessons from the Grameen Bank." World Development 24, no. 1 (January 1996): 79-89.
McGill, R. "Institutional Building for a Third World City Council: Some Lessons from Practice." International Journal of Public Sector Management 6, no. 5 (1993): 24-33.
Maddock, N. "Local Institutions and the Management of Development Projects." International Journal of Public Sector Management 5, no. 2 (1992): 4-6.
Pasteur, D. "Organizations." In The Management of Squatter Upgrading: A Case Study of Organization, Procedures, and Participation. Farnborough, UK: Saxon House, 1979. ISBN: 0566002663.
Keare, Douglas H., and Scott Parris. Evaluation of Shelter Programs for the Urban Poor. World Bank Staff Working Papers No. 547. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1982, pp. 46-65. ISBN: 0821301144.
Zanetta, C. "The Evolution of the World Bank's Urban Lending in Latin America: From Sites and Services to Municipal Reform and Beyond." Habitat International 25, no. 4 (December 2001): 513-533. |
10 | Organizational Understanding: How Bureaucracies Work or Do Not Work | Required
Asmeron, H. K., R. Hoppe and R. B. Jain. Bureaucracy and Developmental Policies in The Third World. Amsterdam, Netherlands: University de Boelelaan Press, 1992, pp. 1-34. ISBN: 9053830472.
Tendler, J. Good Government In the Tropics. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, pp. 21-45. ISBN: 0801854520.
Grindle, M., and M. E. Hilderbrand. "Building Sustainable Capacity in the Public Sector: What Can Be Done?" Public Administration and Development 15 (1995): 441-463.
Gondim, L. M. "Planning Practice Within Public Bureaucracy: A new Perspective on Roles of Planners." Journal of Planning Education and Research 7, no. 3 (1988): 163-172.
Wilson, J. Q. Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1989, pp. 113-175. ISBN: 0465007856.
———. "The Bureaucracy Problem." The Public Interest 6 (Winter 1967): 3-9.
Weber, M. "Bureaucracy." In Essays in Economic Sociology. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999, pp. 116-119. ISBN: 0691009066.
Bryant, C., and L. G. White. "Administrative Behavior." In Managing Development in the Third World. Boulder, CO: West View Press, 1982, pp. 81-104. ISBN: 0891589287.
Lewis, J. P. "Government and National Economic Development," "A World to Make: Development in Perspective." Daedalus 118 (Winter 1989): 69-88.
Leonard, D. K. "Analyzing the Organizational Requirements for Seeking the Rural Poor." In Institutions of Rural Development for the Poor. Edited by D. K. Leonard and P. R. Marshal. Berkeley, CA: Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1982, pp. 1-39. ISBN: 0877251495.
Jaques, E. "In Praise of Hierarchy." Harvard Business Review 68, no. 1 (January-February 1990): 127-133.
Moore, M. "Competition and Pluralism in Public Bureaucracies." Institute of Development Studies Bulletin 23, no. 4 (1992): 65-78.
Crozier, M. The Bureaucratic Phenomenon. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press, 1964, chapter 6, pp. 145-174. ISBN: 0226121666.
McCarney, P., ed. The Changing Nature of Local Government in Developing Countries. Toronto, Canada: Center for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto, 1996, pp. 5-30. ISBN: 0772714061.
Prokopenko, J., and I. Pavlin, eds. Entrepreneurship Development in Public Enterprises. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, 1991, pp. 7-32. ISBN: 922107286X.
Chew, D. C. "Internal Adjustments and Falling Civil Service Salaries: Insights from Uganda." World Development 18, no. 7 (1990): 1003-1014.
Altshuler, A., and M. Zegans. "Innovations and Creativity: Comparisons between Public Management and Private Enterprise." The Cities 7, no. 1 (February 1990): 16-24. |
11 | Student Presentations - Lusaka Case Study | |
12 | How Planning Decisions are Made or How Decisions Happen | Required
Hirschman, Albert O. "Policy Making and policy Analysis in Latin America - A Return Journey." In Essays in Trespassing: Economics to Politics and Beyond. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 142-166. ISBN: 0521282438.
Alexander, E. "After Rationality: Towards a Contingency Theory of Planning." In Explorations in Planning Theory. Edited by Seymour Mandelbaum, et al. New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1996, pp. 45-64. ISBN: 0882851543.
Grindle, M., and J. W. Thomas. "Generalizing About Developing Country Policy Environment." In Public Choices and Policy Change. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991, pp. 43-70. ISBN: 0801841569.
Harowitz, D. L., ed. "Special Issue: Policy making in Developing Countries." Policy Sciences 22 (1989): 197-261.
Brinkerhoff, D. W., and M. D. Ingle. "Integrating Blueprint and Process: A Structural Flexibility Approach to Development Management." Public Administration and Development 4, no. 5 (1989): 487-503.
Rittel, H. W., and M. Webber. "Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning." Policy Science 4 (1973): 155-169.
March, J. A Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen. New York, NY: The Free Press, 1994, pp. 1-55. ISBN: 0029200350.
Christensen, K. S. "Coping With Uncertainties in Planning." Journal of the American Planning Association 51 (1985): 63-73.
Behn, R. "Management by Groping Along." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 7, no. 4 (Fall 1985): 643-663.
Faludi, A., ed. "The Rational Comprehensive versus the Disjointed Incrementalist Mode of Planning." In Planning Theory. New York, NY: Pergamon Books, 1973, pp. 150-170. ISBN: 0080177417.
Allison, G., and M. Halperia. "Bureaucratic Politics: A Paradigm and Some Policy Implications." World Politics 24 (supplement): 40-79.
Goulet, D. "Three Rationalities in Development Decision Making." World Development 14, no. 2 (1986): 301-317.
Lindblom, C. B. "The Science of 'Muddling Through." In Readings in Planning Theory. Edited by Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1996, pp. 196-209. ISBN: 0631223479.
Dryzek, J. "From Science to Argument." In The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning. Edited by F. Fischer and J. Forester. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1993. ISBN: 0822313723.
Hirschman, Albert. "Convergences with Michael Crozier." In A Propensity to Self Subversion. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995, pp. 132-136. ISBN: 0674715586. |
13 | Components of Good Practice: Getting "Things" Done | Required
Sanyal, Bishwapriya. "Playing as Anticipating Resistance." In Planning Theory. 2005. (Forthcoming.)
Thomas, J. W., and M. S. Grindle. "After the Decision: Implementing Policy Reforms in Developing Countries." World Development 18, no. 8 (1990): 1163-1181.
Wade, R. "How to Make Street Level Bureaucrats Work Better: India and Korea." IDS Bulletin 23, no. 4 (1992): 51-55.
Tendler, J. "Decentralization, Participation and Other Things Local." In Good Government in the Tropics. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, pp. 142-163. ISBN: 0801854520.
Hirschman, Albert O. "The Contriving of Reform." In Journeys Toward Progress. New York, NY: Twentieth Century Fund, 1963, pp. 251-297. ISBN: 039300693X.
Grindle, M. S., and J. W. Thomas. "Reforming Policies in the 1980s: Changing Circumstances and Shifting Parameters." In Public Choices and Policy Change: The Political Economy of Reform in Developing Countries. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991, pp. 151-181. ISBN: 0801841569.
Haggard, S. "State Reform in Latin America." In Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and The Caribbean: Proceedings of a Conference held in Rio De Janeiro: The Challenges of Reform. Edited by Shahid Burki, Sebastian Edwards, and Sri-Ram Eiyer. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1995, pp. 41-60. ISBN: 0821338838.
Bates, R. "The Politics of Economics Policy Reform: A Review Article." Journal of African Economies 2, no. 3 (December 1993): 417-433.
Houtzager, Peter. Changing Paths: International Development and The New Politics of Inclusion. Edited by Peter Houtzager and Mick Moore. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2003, pp. 1-31. ISBN: 0472113224.
Ascher, W. "The Logic and Tactics of Reformism." In Scheming for the Poor: The Politics of Redistribution in Latin America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984, pp. 212-231. ISBN: 0674790855.
Cheung, A. B. L. "Understanding Public Sector Reforms: Global Trends and Diverse Agenda." International Review of Administrative Sciences 63, no. 4 (1997): 435-458.
Hughes, O. E. "An Era of Change." In Public Management and Administration. Houndmills, UK: Macmillan, 1994, pp. 1-21. ISBN: 0333580168.
Grindle, Merilee, ed. Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980, pp. 3-39. ISBN: 0691021953. |
14 | Organizational Understanding: Working with Market Institutions | Required
Starr, P. "The Meaning of Privatization." Yale Law and Policy Review 6 (1988): 6-41.
Schneider, B. R. "Elusive Synergy: Business Government Relations and Development." Comparative Politics 31, no. 1 (1998): 101-122.
Evans, P. "Development Strategies across the Public-Private Divide." World Development 24 (1996): 1033-1037.
Hirschman, Albert. "Does The Market Keep Us Out of Mischief Or Out of Happiness?" In A Propensity to Self-Subversion. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995, pp. 213-320. ISBN: 0674715586.
Bennell, P. "Privatization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Progress and Prospects During the 1990s." World Development 25, no. 11 (1997): 1785-1803.
Frieden, Bernard, and Lynne Sagalyn. Downtown, Inc.: How America Rebuilds Cities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989, pp. 107-131. ISBN: 0262560593. |
15 | Organizational Understanding: NGOs as Development Agents | Required
Sanyal, Bishwapriya. "The Myth of Development From Below." Mimeo. Department of Urban Studies & Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996.
Brown, D. "Professionalism, Participation and the Public Good: Issues of Arbitration in Development Management and the Critique of Neo-Populist Appeal." In Beyond the New Public Management: Changing Ideas and Practices in Governance. Edited by M. Minogue, et al. Cheltenham, UK: E. Elgar, 1998, pp. 132-151. ISBN: 1858989132.
Edwards, M. "Synthesis: Unraveling the Civil Society Puzzle." In Civil Society. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2004, pp. 72-92. ISBN: 0745631339.
James, Estelle, ed. "The Non-Profit Sector in Developing Countries: The Case of Sri Lanka." In The Non-Profit Sector in International Perspective: Studies in Cooperative Culture and Policy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. 289-318. ISBN: 0195056299.
Fowler, A. "The Role of NGOs in Changing State-Society Relations." Development Policy Review 9, no. 1 (1991): 53-84.
Tendler, Judith. "What Ever Happened to Poverty Alleviation?" World Development 17, no. 7 (1989): 1033-1044.
Salomon, Lester M. "Of Market Failure, Voluntary Failure and Third-Party Government: Towards a Theory of Government-Nonprofit Relations in the Modern Welfare State." In Shifting the Debate: Public/Private Sector Relations in the Modern Welfare State. Edited by Susan A. Ostrander and Stuart Langton. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1987, pp. 29-49. ISBN: 0887381855.
Grossman, A., and V. K. Rangan. "Managing Multisite Nonprofits." Non-Profit Management and Leadership 11, no. 3 (2001): 321-337. |
16 | Organizational Understanding: Communities and Collective Action | Required
Wade, R. "The Management of Common Property Resources: Collective Action as an Alternative to Privatization or State Regulation." Cambridge Journal of Economics 11 (1987): 95-106.
Ostrom, Elinor. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 88-104, 207-216. ISBN: 0521405998.
Abers, R. "Reflections on What Makes Empowered Participatory Governance Happen." In Deepening Democracy: Institutional Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance. Edited by Archon Fung, Erik O. Wright, and Rebecca Abers. New York, NY: Verso Press, 2003, pp. 200-207. ISBN: 1859844669.
O'Rourke, D. "Community Driven Regulation: Toward an Improved Model of Environmental Regulation in Vietnam." In Livable Cities. Edited by Peter Evans. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002, pp. 95-131. ISBN: 0520230256.
Altwood, D. W., and B. S. Baviskar. "Why Do Some Cooperatives Work, But Not Others: A Comparative Analysis of Sugar Coops in India." Economic and Political Weekly 22, no. 28 (June 27, 1987): 38-55.
Joshi, A. "Roots of Change: Front-Line Workers and Forest Policy Reform in West Bengal." PhD diss., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000, pp. 8-20. |
17 | Information Session for Case Studies Selected for Student Presentations | Required
Klitgaard, Robert. Controlling Corruption. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988, pp. 1-50. ISBN: 0520059859.
Repetto, R. "Skimming in the Water: Rent Seeking and the Performance of the Public Investigation Systems." Research Paper No. 4, Washington, DC: World Research Institute, 1986.
Paul, S. "Accountability in Public Service: Exit, Voice, and Control." World Development 20, no. 7 (July 1992): 1047-1060.
Wade, R. "How to Make Street Level Bureaucracies Work Better: India and Korea." IDS Bulletin 23, no. 4 (1992): 51-55. University of Sussex.
———. "Politics and Graft: Recruitment, Appointment, and Promotions to Public Office in Italy." In Corruption, Development and Inequality: Soft Touch and Hard Graft. Edited by Peter M. Ward. New York, NY: Routledge, 1989, pp. 73-109. ISBN: 0415019982.
Banfield, E. C. "Corruption as a Failure of Governmental Organization." In Ethics in Planning. Edited by Martin Wachs. New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Policy Research, 1985, pp. 143-161. ISBN: 0882851039.
Ehrenhalt, A. "The Paradox of Corrupt yet Effective Leadership." The New York Times, September 30, 2002, p. A25.
Davis, J. "Corruption in Public Service Delivery: Experience from South Asia's Water and Sanitation Sector." World Development 32, no. 1 (January 2004): 53-71(19).
Anechiarico, Frank, and James B. Jacobs. The Pursuit of Absolute Integrity: How Corruption Control Makes Government Ineffective. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1996, pp. 3-28, 189-208. ISBN: 0226020517.
Rose-Ackerman, Susan. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 39-68, 225-228. ISBN: 0521659124. |
18 | Organizational Understanding: International Institutions | Required
Wade, R. "Greening the Bank: The Struggle over the Environment, 1970-1995." In The World Bank: Its First Half Century. Vol. 2. Perspectives. Edited by Devesh Kapur, John P. Lewis, and C. Richard. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institute, 1997, pp. 611-734. ISBN: 0815752342.
Rajagopal, Balakrishnan. "From Resistance to Renewal: Bretton Woods Institutions and the Emergence of the 'New' Development Agenda." In International Law from Below: Development, Social Movements, and Third World Resistance. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 95-134. ISBN: 0521016711.
Kardam, N. "Development Approaches and the Role of Policy Advocacy: The Case of the World Bank." World Development 21, no. 11 (November 1993): 1773-1786.
Paarlbag, P., and M. Lipton. "Changing Missions of the World Bank." World Policy Journal 8, no. 3 (Summer 1991): 475-498.
Danaher, K. Fifty Years is Enough: The Case Against the World Bank and the IMF. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1993, pp. ix-13. ISBN: 0896084957.
Mellor, J. M., and W. A. Masters. "The Changing Role of Multinational and Bilateral Foreign Assistance." In Transitions in Development: The Role of Aid and Commercial Flows. Edited by Uma Lele and Ijaz Nabi. San Francisco, CA: ICS Press, 1991, pp. 331-363. ISBN: 1558150935.
Payer, Cheryl. The Debt Trap: The IMF and the Third World. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books, 1974, pp. 1-21 and 215-219. ISBN: 0140218440.
———. The World Bank: A Critical Analysis. New York, NY: Monthly Review Press, 1982, pp. 15-52, 344-356. ISBN: 085345602X.
Kahler, M. "International Financial Institutions and the Policies of Adjustment" In Fragile Coalitions: The Politics of Economic Adjustment. Edited by Joan M. Nelson. Washington, DC: Overseas Development Council, 1989, pp. 139-159. ISBN: 088738787X.
Feinberg, R. E. "An Open Letter to the World Bank's New President." In Between Two Worlds: The World Bank's Next Decade. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1986, pp. 3-30. ISBN: 0887386652.
Childers, E. "Reinventing the United Nations System." Development Dialogue no. 1 (1994): 3-22.
Ayres, Robert L. Banking on the Poor: The World Bank and World Poverty. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984, pp. 17-52, 229-255. ISBN: 0262510286.
Kumar, Amitava, ed. World Bank Literature. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. ISBN: 0816638373.
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19 | Student Presentations - La Paz Case Study | |
20 | Legal Sensibilities | Required
Rajagopal, Balakrishnan. "Limits of law in counter-hegemonic globalization: The Indian Supreme Court and the Narmada valley struggle." Center for the Study of Law and Governance Working Paper 04-04. New Delhi, India: Jawaharlal Nehru University, May 2004. (PDF)
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Varley, A. "Private or Public: Debating the Meaning of Tenure Legislation." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26, no. 3 (2002): 449-461.
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Ellickson, Robert C. "Order Without Laws: How Neighbors Settle Disputes." In Perspectives on Property Law. 2nd ed. Edited by Robert C. Ellickson, Carol M. Rose, and Bruce A. Ackerman. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1995, pp. 215-225. ISBN: 0316231576.
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De Soto. The Other Path. Foreword by Mario Vargas Llosa.
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21 | Political Savvy | Required
Davis, D. "The Politics of Economic Liberalization in Mexico: Explaining the North American Free Trade Agreement." Business and the Contemporary World 5, no. 1 (Winter 1993): 144-159.
Grindle, M., and J. W. Thomas. "Finding Room to Maneuver." In Public Choices and Policy Change: The Political Economy of Reform in Developing Countries. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991, pp. 182-194. ISBN: 0801841569.
Brooks, Michael. "The Political Savvy Planner." In Planning Theory for Practitioners. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association Press, 2002, pp. 185-195. ISBN: 1884829597.
Davis, L. "Guidelines for Survival and Success." In Planners on Planning: Leading Planners Offer Real-Life Lessons on What Works, What Doesn't, and Why. Edited by B. W. McClendon and A. J. Catanese. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996, pp. 103-117. ISBN: 0787902853.
Lindenberg, M., and B. Crosby. Managing Development: The Political Dimension. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press, 1981, pp. 3-70. ISBN: 0931816270.
Prezeworski, Adam. "The Political Dynamics of Economic Reform." In Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 136-187. ISBN: 052142335X.
Nelson, J. M. "How Market Reforms and Democratic Consolidation Affect Each Other." In Intricate Links: Democratization and Market Reforms in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Edited by J. M. Nelson, et al. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1994, pp. 1-36. ISBN: 1560007591.
Evans, Peter, ed. "Political Strategies for More Livable Cities: Lessons from Six Cases of Development and Political Transition." In Livable Cities. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002, pp. 247-268. ISBN: 0520230256.
Shirk, S. L. "Playing to the Provinces: Deng Xiaoping's Political Strategy of Economic Reform." Studies in Comparative Communism 23, no. 3/4 (Autumn/Winter 1990): 227-258.
Checkoway, Barry, ed. "Political Strategy for Social Planning." In Strategic Perspectives on Planning Practice. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986, pp. 195-214. ISBN: 0669142271.
Altshuler, Alan. The City Planning Process: A Political Analysis. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1965, pp. 299-331. ISBN: 0801400074.
Fox, Jonathan. "The Sandwich Strategy: Opening From Above Meets Mobilization from Below." In The Politics of Food in Mexico: State Power and Social Mobilization. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992, pp. 151-205. ISBN: 0801427169.
Krumholz, Norman, and John Forester. "To Be Professionally Effective, Be Politically Articulate." In Making Equity Planning Work: Leadership in the Public Sector. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1990, pp. 225-240. ISBN: 0877227012.
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Joshi, A., and M. Moore. "The Mobilizing Potential of Anti-Poverty Programs: Concepts and Cases." Journal of Development Studies 37, no. 1 (October 2000): 25-36.
Heller, P. "Moving the State: The Politics of Democratic Decentralization in Kerala, South Africa and Porto Alegre." Politics an