Take-Home Final | 40 |
Final Paper | 30 |
Classroom Participation | 30 |
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This course examines the process of economic development in latecomer countries with a focus on industrialization, the heart of modern economic growth. It analyzes countries with pre-World War II manufacturing experience (China, India, Turkey, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico).
Grades are based on:ACTIVITIES | PERCENTAGES |
Take-Home Final | 40 |
Final Paper | 30 |
Classroom Participation | 30 |
This course is designed to operate as a seminar.
The text for the course is: Amsden, A. H. The Rise of "The Rest": Challenges to the West from Late-Industrializing Economies. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN: 9780195170597.