I — Introduction | ||
1 | First class / overview | |
2 | The context: the state and industrialization | Evans, Peter. "The Eclipse of the State? Reflections on Stateness in an Era of Globalization." World Politics 50 (1997): 62-87. Bruton, Henry. "A Reconsideration of Import Substitution." Journal of Economic Literature 36 (1998): 903-936. Huang, Yasheng. "China Could Learn from India." Kantipur Daily, February 2, 2006, online edition. Recommended
Helleiner, Gerald K. "Trade, Trade Policy and Industrialization Reconsidered." In World Development Studies 6. Helsinki, Poland: UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research, 1995. |
II — The informal sector | ||
3 |
Greenhouse, Steven. "Beating Wall St. and the Corner Grocery: Workers of All Incomes Find Powerful Ally in State Attorney General." The New York Times, January 2, 2004, Section A, p. 25. | |
4 |
Recommended Maloney, William. "Informality Revisited." World Development 32, no. 7 (2004): 1159-1178. Galli, Rossana, and David Kucera. "Labor Standards and Informal Employment in Latin America." World Development 32, no. 5 (2004): 809-828.
| |
III — The implementing organizations and their professionals | ||
5 | Joshi, Anu. "Public Sector Unions and Policy Reform: The Case of Joint Forest Management in West Bengal." Draft article. Brighton, UK: University of Sussex, Centre for the Future State, Institute of Development Studies, 2006. Crook, Richard, and Joseph Ayee. "Urban Service Partnerships, 'Street-Level Bureaucrats' and Environmental Sanitation in Mumasi and Accra, Ghana: Coping with Organisational Change in the Public Bureaucracy." Development Policy Review 23 (2006): 1-23 (especially pp. 11-23). | |
6 | Jain, Pankaj, and Mick Moore. "What Makes Micro-credit Programmes Effective? Fashionable Fallacies and Workable Realities." Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, IDS Working Paper 177, November 2002.
Recommended Dugger, Celia. "Debate Stirs Over Tiny Loans for World's Poorest." The New York Times, April 29, 2004, Section 1, p. 1.
Morduch, Jonathan. "Microfinance Without Trade-Offs." Revised version of a keynote address delivered at the 3rd International Conference on Finance for Growth and Poverty Reduction, held at the University of Manchester, April 10, 2002. Draft dated August 26, 2002, sent by the author.
Tendler, Judith, and Sara Freedheim. "Trust in a Rent-seeking World: Health and Government Transformed in Northeast Brazil." World Development 22 (December 1994): 1771-1791. | |
7 | Bianchi, Tito. "The Agronomists and Land Improvement: The Meeting of Politics and Technocracy." Redistribution Within a Democratic Society: The "Finished Business" of the Italian Agrarian Reform. PhD dissertation, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002. Abstract (p. 3), Introduction (pp. 9-14 sufficient); Chapter 5 (pp. 159-185).
Tendler, Judith, and Sara Freedheim. "Trust in a Rent-seeking World: Health and Government Transformed in Northeast Brazil." World Development 22 (December 1994): 1771-1791. | |
8 | Donor organizations large and small |
Ban, Carolyn, and Mark Huddleston. "Exporting Administrative Reform to Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: The Role of the Consultants in Technical Assistance." Paper prepared for Annual Meeting of the Association of Public Policy and Management, Washington, D.C., November 1999. |
IV — The rural economy and linkages | ||
9 | Haggblade, Steven, Peter Hazell, and Thomas Reardon. Transforming the Rural Nonfarm Economy: Opportunities and Threats in the Developing World. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. Chapter 16, "Research Perspectives and Prospectives on the Rural Nonfarm Economy," including the table "Common myths about the rural nonfarm economy (RNFE)." Haggblade, Steven, Peter Hazell, and Thomas Reardon. "The Rural Nonfarm Economy: Pathway Out of Poverty or Pathway In?" Paper presented at 2005 conference, "The Future of the Small Farm," drawn from the authors' book (2006), Transforming the Rural Nonfarm Economy. (PDF)# Recommended
Biggs, Stephen. "Learning from the Positive to Reduce Rural Poverty: Institutional Innovations in Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Development." Paper prepared for the Impact Assessment Workshop organized by the CGIAR Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Development and Institutional Innovation (PRGA) and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), October 19-21, 2005 at CIMMYT Headquarters, Mexico. | |
10 | Eicher, Carl. "Flashback: Fifty Years of Donor Aid to African Agriculture." In Successes in African Agriculture: Building for the Future. Edited by Steve Haggblade, et al. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. Tendler, Judith. "Tales of Dissemination in Small-farm Agriculture: Lessons for Institution Builders." World Development 21 (October 1994): 1567-1582. Recommended Dugger, Cecilia. "In Africa, Prosperity From Seeds Falls Short." New York Times, October 10, 2007. Gotsch, Carl. "Technical Change and the Distribution of Income in Rural Areas." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 54 (May 1972): 326-341. Finan, Timothy. "Market Relationships and Market Performance in Northeast Brazil." American Ethnologist 15 (1988): 694-709. Moss, Daniel. "Why Aren't We Looking at Lessons about Producers-Buyers Relationship and Niche Markets in Non-Export Cases? Farmers and Wholesalers in El Salvador's Central Wholesale Market." Master's Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000. | |
V — Micro, small, or medium enterprises | ||
11 | Mead, Donald, and Carl Liedholm. "The Dynamics of Micro and Small Enterprises in Developing Countries." World Development 26 (1998): 61-74. Jenkins, Rhys. "Globalisation and Employment: Working for the Poor?" In Insights: Development Research no. 47 (June 2003): 1-2. Recommended Lepenies, Philipp. "Exit, Voice and Vouchers: Using Vouchers to Train Microentrepreneurs: Observations from the Paraguayan Voucher Scheme." World Development 32, no. 4 (2004): 713-724. | |
VI — Workers and development | ||
12 |
Rai, Saritha. "India Hopes for Growth in Textile Exports." The New York Times, July 30, 2004, Section W, p. 1. Yardley, Jim, and David Barboza. "Help Wanted: China Finds Itself with a Labor Shortage." The New York Times, April 3, 2005. | |
13 |
Bradsher, Keith. "Like Japan in the 1980's, China Poses Big Economic Challenge." The New York Times, March 2, 2004, Section C, p. 1. Recommended Wood, Adrian. "Globalization and the Rise in Labor Market Inequalities." The Economic Journal 108 (1998): 1463-1482.
| |
14 | Domestic institutions: labor inspectors | Special session to discuss Roberto Pires doctoral paper: Pires, Roberto. "Bringing the Law and the Firm Together: Labor Inspectors and the Reconciling of Social Protection with Economic Development in Brazil." Draft paper, October 14, 2007. (Pires will address questions raised by the class, so students should read the paper before class and come prepared with questions.) Schrank, Andrew. "Professionalization and Probity in the Patrimonial State: Labor Law Enforcement in the Dominican Republic." University of New Mexico, Department of Sociology, August 2007 (submitted for publication). Recommended Schrank, Andrew. "Labor Standards and Human Resources: A Natural Experiment in an Unlikely Laboratory." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 11, 2006. Piore, Michael. "Rethinking Mexico's Labor Standards in a Global Economy." Comercio Exterior 55, no. 2 (2005): 140-147. |
15 | Labor unions | Damiani, Octavio. "Effects on Employment, Wages, and Labor Standards of Non-Traditional Export Crops in Northeast Brazil." Latin American Research Review 38 (2003): 83-112. Beckman, Bjorn. "Trade Unions, Institutional Reform, and Democracy: Nigerian Experiences with South African and Ugandan Comparisons." Transition: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa no. 48 (2002). (A revised version published in Harris, John, Kristian Stokke, and Olle Tornquist, eds. Changing Continuities: The Local Politics of Democratisation in Developing Countries. London, UK: Palgrave, 2004.) Gonzalez, David, and Samuel Loewenberg. "Banana Workers Get Day in Court." The New York Times, January 18, 2003, Section B, p. 1. Greenhouse, Steven. "Local 226, 'The Culinary,' Makes Las Vegas the Land of the Living Wage." The New York Times, June 3, 2004, Section A, p. 22. ———. "Union Takes New Tack in Organizing Effort at Pork-Processing Plant." The New York Times, February 13, 2006, Section A, p. 16. Recommended
Murillo, Victoria, and Andrew Schrank. "With a Little Help from My Friends: Partisan Politics, Transnational Alliances, and Labor Rights in Latin America." Comparative Political Studies 38 (October 2005): 971-999. Greenhouse, Steven. "Unions Plan Big Drive for Better Pay at Nonunion Wal-Mart." The New York Times, December 11, 2004. |
16 | The high-road vs. low-road path in workplace transformation | Bailey, Thomas, and Annette Bernhardt. "In Search of the High Road in a Low-Wage Industry." Politics and Society 25 (June 1997): 179-201. Navas-Aleman, Lizbeth, and Luiza Bazan. "Local Implementation of Quality, Labor and Environmental Standards: Opportunities for Upgrading in the Footwear Industry." SEED Working Paper no. 45, International Labor Organization, Geneva, 2003. Knauss, Jody. "Modular Mass Production: High Performance on the Low Road." Politics and Society 26 (1998): 273-296. Recommended Godard, John, and John Delaney. "Reflections on the 'High Performance' Paradigm's Implications for Industrial Relations as a Field." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 53 (April 2000): 482-502. Osterman, Paul. "How Common Is Workplace Transformation and Who Adopts It?" Industrial and Labor Relations Review 47 (January 1994): 173-188. |
17 | Monitoring of labor standards in global supply chains: the Nike case | Special session with Prof. Richard Locke, Sloan School of Management (Prof. Locke will not present the papers below, and the class will pose questions based on their reading): Locke, Richard, Fei Quin, and Alberto Brause. "Does Monitoring Improve Labor Standards? Lessons from Nike." Industrial Relations Research Review 61 (October 2007): 1-29. Locke, Richard, and Monica Romis. "Improving Work Conditions in a Global Supply Chain." MIT Sloan Management Review 48 (Winter 2007): 54-62. Recommended O'Rourke, Dara. "Monitoring the Monitors: A Critique of PricewaterhouseCooper's Labor Monitoring." White paper, September 28, 2000. Greenhouse, Steven. "Nike Shoe Plant in Vietnam is Called Unsafe for Workers." The New York Times, November 8, 1997. ———. "M.I.T. Report Says Global Accounting Firm Overlooks Factory Abuses." The New York Times, September 28, 2000. O'Rourke, Dara. "Multi-stakeholder Regulation: Privatizing or Socializing Global Labor Standards?" World Development 34 (2006): 899-918. Foster, Lauren, and Alexandra Harney. "Why Ethical Sourcing Means Show and Tell." Financial Times, Comment and Analysis, April 22, 2005, p. 17. |
18 | Labor standards and globalization |
Recommended Sabel, Charles, Dara O'Rourke, and Archon Fung. "Ratcheting Labor Standards: Regulation for Continuous Improvement in the Global Workplace." May 2, 2000. KSG Working Paper No. 00-010; Columbia Law and Economic Working Paper No. 185; Columbia Law School, Pub. Law Research Paper No. 01-21. Available at SSRN. Abrami, Regina. "Worker Rights and Global Trade: The U.S.-Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement." Harvard Business School Case. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Case: 9-703-034, August 21, 2003. ———. "The Market and the Mountain Kingdom: Change in Lesotho's Textile Industry." Harvard Business School Case. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Case: 9-703-043, April 6, 2006. Piore, Michael. "Labor Standards and Business Strategies." In Labor Standards and Development in the Global Economy. Edited by Stephen Herzenberg and Jorge Perez-Lopez. Washington, DC: Department of Labor, 1990, Chapter 2, pp. 35-45. [ASIN: B000103ZCY] Hilton, Isabel. "Made in China." Granta 89 (Spring 2005): pp. 15-54 (particularly pp. 15-19, 43-47). Shaiken, Harley. "Going South: Mexican Wages and U.S. Jobs After NAFTA." The American Prospect 15 (Fall 1993): 58-64. |
VII — Local economic development, political economy, and public support | ||
19 | Business associations | Doner, Richard, and Ben Schneider. "Business Associations and Economic Development: Why Some Associations Contribute More than Others." Business and Politics 3 (2000): 261-288. Cammett, Melani. "Fat Cats and Self-Made Men: Globalization and the Paradoxes of Collective Action." Comparative Politics 37 (July 2005): 379-400. Recommended
Cammett, Melani. "Business-Government Relations and Industrial Change: The Politics of 'Clustering' in Morocco and Tunisia." Political Science Department, Brown University, 2005. Schrank, Andrew. "Entrepreneurship, Export Diversification, and Economic Reform: The Birth of a 'Developmental Community' in the Dominican Republic." Comparative Politics 38 (2005). |
20 | Small-firm programs, and small firms vs. large |
Tendler, Judith. "Small Firms, the Informal Sector, and the Devil's Deal." IDS Bulletin (Institute of Development Studies at Sussex) 33 (July 2002). Andrews, Edmund. "Where Do the Jobs Come From?" The New York Times, September 21, 2004, Section E, p. 1. Recommended Criscuolo, Alberto. "Artisan Associations and Small Business Development in the 'Third' Italy." Master's Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002, pp. 3-4, 9-32, 112-134.
Gibson, Edward. "The Populist Road to Market Reform: Policy and Electoral Coalitions in Mexico and Argentina." World Politics 49 (April 1997): 339-370. |
21 | Clusters and value chains | Humphrey, John, and Hubert Schmitz. "How Does Insertion in Global Value Chains Affect Upgrading in Industrial Clusters?" Regional Studies 36 (2002): 1017-1027.
Schmitz, Hubert, and Bernard Musyck. "Industrial Districts in Europe: Policy Lessons for Developing Countries?" World Development 22 (June 1994): 889-910. Hudson, R. "Institutional Change, Cultural Transformation, and Economic Regeneration: Myths and Realities from Europe's Old Industrial Areas." In Globalisation, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe. Edited by L. Fawcett and A. Hurell. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1994. Loebis, Lienda, and Hubert Schmitz. "Java Furniture Makers: Winners or Losers from Globalisation?" Development and Practice 15 (2005).
22 | Local economic development |
Nadvi, Khalid, and Gerhard Halder. "Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Exploring Dynamic Linkages between Germany and Pakistan." Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 17 (2005): 339-363. Recommended Levy, Brian. "Can Intervention Work? The Role of Government in SME Success/Successful Small and Medium Enterprises and their Support Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Four Country Studies." Policy Research Department, Finance and Private Sector Development Division, The World Bank, February 9, 1994. Perez-Aleman, Paola. "Learning, Adjustment and Economic Development: Transforming Firms, the State, and Associations in Chile." World Development 28 (2000): 41-55. Doeringer, Peter, and David Terkla. "Turning Around Local Economies: Managerial Strategies and Community Assets." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 9 (1990): 487-506. Ortez, Omar. "Manufacturing Firms and Local Jobs: The Influence of Competitive Strategies on Labor in the Garment Sector of San Francisco El Alto, Guatemala." Master's Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. |
23 | Exporting and public support |
Tewari, Meenu. "Varieties of Global Integration: Navigating Institutional Legacies and Global Networks in India's Textile and Apparel Industry." Competition and Change 12, no. 1 (2008): 49-67. Recommended
Tewari, Meenu, and Poonam Pillai. "Global Standards and Environmental Compliance in the Indian Leather Industry." Oxford Economic Studies 33 (June 2004): 246-267.
Kelegama, Saman, and Fritz Foley. "Impediments to Promoting Backward Linkages from the Garment Industry in Sri Lanka." World Development 27 (1999): 1445-1460. |
24 | Foreign direct investment: local outcomes and dilemmas | Hanson, Gordon. "Should Countries Promote Foreign Direct Investment?" G-24 Discussion Paper Series. UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), 2001. Tewari, Meenu. "Industrial Upgrading and the 'Double-Binds' of FDI Policies: Illustrations from India's Automobile Industry." University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of City and Regional Planning, April 8, 2006. Recommended Tendler, Judith. "The Economic Wars Between the States." Working Paper Series, MIT/BNB project (Banco do Nordeste – Northeast Brazilian Development Bank), 2000. |
25 | Last class |