
Introduction to Computers in Public Management II >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Ses #Topics
Lecture 1

Introduction To 11.208 And Thematic Mapping

Producing and printing thematic maps

Lab ABuilding and printing a simple map from database tables and boundary files
Lecture 2

Crime Case Study and Elementary Database Management

Case study in analytic mapping

Getting data into a database (data import, entry)

Simple queries on a database (selecting fields and records, simple aggregation)

Getting data out of the database (data export)

Lab BEssential database operations: data input, simple queries, output.
Lecture 3

Making Sense Of The Census, Part I

The 1990 Census of Population and Housing

Tools to extract census data

Using census data: normalization, comparisons over time

Lecture 4

Introduction To Relational Databases, Part I

Introduction to the relational model

Intermediate queries: aggregation functions (grouping), multi-table queries

Lab CBuild and run queries on survey data and urban management records
Lecture 5

Making Sense Of The Census, Part II

The 1990 Census of Population and Housing

Tools to extract census data

Using census data: normalization, comparisons over time

Lab DExtracting Census data from STF files
Lecture 6

Principles Of Relational Databases, Part II

Problem Set handed out prior day.

Elements of database design

The relational model of data including "One-to-many" relationships among data tables

Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)

Lecture 7

Database Management In Planning

An overview of planning uses of database management, both now and in the future.

Lab ELab session emphasizing Census data and applying the relational model
Lecture 8

Preparing Effective Maps

Tips on preparing maps that communicate accurately, clearly, and persuasively

Lab FEnhancing the accuracy, clarity and persuasiveness of the map
Lecture 9

Spatial Analysis And Internet Overview

Introduction to Internet and GIS mapping resources

Web mapping resources

Lab GIntegrating orthophotos with census data
Project Demo

Exhibition Of Planning Software And PSS Research

Demonstrations of software tools for mapping and spatial analysis

Lecture 10

Course Summary

Introduction to geographical information systems and course summary

Panel Discussion


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