1 | Introduction: Course Goals and Logistics | Peruse the STATA® Starter Kit, put together by the UCLA Academic Technology Services group. |
2 | Principles: Ordinary Least Squares Regression | Fox, John. "Linear Least Squares Regression." In Applied Regression Analysis, Linear Models, and Related Methods, 85-111. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997. ISBN: 080394540X.
Kennedy, Peter. "The Classical Linear Regression Model" and "Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing." In A Guide to Econometrics. 4th ed., pp. 42-72. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998. ISBN: 0262611406.
Friedrich, Robert J. "In Defense of Multiplicative Terms in Multiple Regression Equations." American Journal of Political Science 26 (1982): 797-833. |
3 | Applications: Ordinary Least Squares Regression | Datta, Deepak, James G. Guthrie, and Patrick M. Wright. "HRM and Firm Productivity: Does Industry Matter?" Academy of Management Journal (forthcoming February 2005). |
4 | Principles: Models for Binary Outcomes | Aldrich, John H., and Forrest D. Nelson. Linear Probability, Logit and Probit Models. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1984.
Petersen, Trond. "A Comment on Presenting Results from Logit and Probit Models." American Sociological Review 50 (1985): 130-131. |
5 | Applications: Models for Binary Outcomes | Burt, Ronald S. "The Social Origins of Good Ideas." Working paper, University of Chicago, 2003. |
6 | Principles: Models for Counts | Long, J. Scott. "Count Outcomes: Regression Models for Counts" In Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables, 217-250. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997. ISBN: 0803973748. |
7 | Applications: Models for Counts | Ziedonis, Rosemarie Ham. "Don't fence me in: Fragmented markets for technology and the patent acquisition strategies of firms." Working paper, University of Michigan, 2003. |
8 | Principles: Pooled Cross-Section/Time Series Analysis | Greene, William H. "Models for Panel Data." In Econometric Analysis. 3rd ed., 612-635. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. ISBN: 0130132977.
Halaby, Charles. "Panel Models in Sociological Research: Theory into Practice." 2004. Forthcoming, Annual Review of Sociology. |
9 | Applications: Pooled Cross-Section/Time Series Analysis | Bothner, Matthew. "Structure, scale and scope in the global computer industry." Unpublished manuscript, University of Chicago, 2003. |
10 | Principles: Basic Concepts of Event History Analysis and Data Structures | Singer and Willett. "A Framework for Investigating Event Occurrence." Chapter 9 in Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0195152964.
Cleves, Mario, William Gould, and Roberto Gutierrez. "The Problem of Survival Analysis." Chapter 1 in An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using STATA®. Stata Press, 2002. ISBN: 1881228630.
STATA® Corporation. STATA® 8.0: Survival Analysis and Epidemiological Tables (manual). 2003. ISBN: 1881228673. Entry covering -stset-. |
11 | Principles: Descriptive Statistics for Event History Data | Carroll, Glenn R. "Dynamic Analysis of Discrete Dependent Variables: A Didactic Essay." Quality and Quantity 17 (1983): 425-460.
Singer and Willett. "Describing Discrete-Time Event Occurrence Data" and "Describing Continuous-Time Event Occurrence Data." Chapters 10 and 13 in Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0195152964. |
12 | Principles: Models for Event History Data | Singer and Willett. Chapter 11: "Fitting Basic Discrete-Time Hazard Models" and Chapter 14: "Fitting Cox Regression Models." In Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0195152964.
Cleves, Mario, William Gould, and Roberto Gutierrez. "Parametric Models" and "A Survey of Parametric Regression Models in STATA®." Chapters 12 and 13 (Sections of accelerated failure time models optional) in An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using STATA®. Stata Press, 2002. ISBN: 1881228630. |
13 | Applications: Event History Analysis | |
14 | Review and Wrap-up | |