
Technology in a Dangerous World >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Note: No formal calendar was created for STS.092, which met weekly for two hours in a seminar/discussion format as described in the syllabus document.

STS.069 Technology in a Dangerous World

1Introduction to ClassGras, Alain. "Big is Beautiful."

The Role of MIT in a Dangerous World. (Continued).

Castells, Manuel. "Prologue." In The Network Society.

Castells, Manuel. "The Rise of the Fourth World." In The Network Society.

Reading Assignments.

Risk, Safety, and Accidents.

2Reading Assignments

Questions to be discussed

Videotape of MIT Teach-in.

Homework due: Two Assignments.

3CBS Documentary on World Trade Center Attack of 9/11/01
4Discussion of DocumentaryQuestions on Reading: “Missile Accuracy” MacKenzie.

Questions on Reading: "MIT as System-Builder: Sage." Hughes. (One Day After Class #4).

Homework #1 due.

5The Role of MIT in a Dangerous WorldGeneral Information.Homework #2 due.
6Guest: Claude CanizaresHomework #3 due.
7Technological Disasters

Guest: Wade Roush, HSSST Alumnus, Now with Technology Review.
Roush, Wade. "Catastrophe and Control."

Perrow, Charles. "Normal Accidents."

Galison, Peter. "An Accident of History."

8Risk, Safety, and Accidents Project proposal for single-authored report due. (Homework #4)
9Guest: Jamie Lewis KeithSpeech by President Charles M. Vest, MIT.
10Risk, Safety, and Accidents (Continued)
11Environmental RisksAssignment: Environmental Risks.
12Tour of the MIT MuseumCurrent Events.Homework #5.

Discussion of MIT Museum Tour

Discussion of Castells Reading

Homework #5 due.

Turn in first draft of single-authored report. (Homework #4).

14Further Discussion of Castells

Handouts will be provided in Class #13

Castells. "The Global Criminal Economy."

Root Causes.

15"Artificial Hearts," by Shelley McKellar

Guest: Thomas P. Hughes

16National Security

Guest: Ted Postol

Technology and Identity.
17Technology and IdentityTechnological Imagination.
18Technological ImaginationTechnology and Identity.
19Trust in a Dangerous WorldLong Paper due. (Refer Homework #3)
20Root Causes

Guest: David Marks
Castells. "The Global Criminal Economy."

David Mark's Slide Presentation.
21Final Review (PDF)Single-authored report due.

Trust in a Dangerous World.

22Recommendations for MITWilliams, Rosalind. Retooling: A Historian Confronts Technological Change. Chap. 1.





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