
Toward the Scientific Revolution >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Week 1: Introduction
1Introductory Lecture
Week 2: Beginnings
2"What is Science?"
3The Presocratics
Week 3: The World According to Plato and Aristotle
4Plato's World
5Aristotle's Physics
Week 4: Aristotle's Biology
6Aristotle and Hippocrates on Biology and MedicineFirst Paper Due
Week 5: Ancient Mathematics, Astronomy, and Engineering
7Ptolemy and Euclid
8Galen and Alexandrian Engineers
Week 6: Science in the Middle Ages
9Arabic Science
10Medieval European Universities
Week 7: Medieval Technology
11Medieval Technology
Week 8: The European Renaissance
12No lectureIn-class Midterm Exam
13Patronage, Alchemy, and Humanism
Week 9: Revolutions in the Body and in the Stars
14Vesalius and Anatomy
15The Copernican RevolutionSecond Paper Due
Week 10: Observatories and Ellipses
16Tycho Brahe and the New Astronomy
17Kepler: Mysticism and Mars
Week 11: Galileo: Astronomy, and the Church
18Interpreting Scripture and the Heavens
Week 12: Galileo's Physics and Bacon's Collecting
19Galileo's Physics
20Bacon and the Culture of CollectingSecond Paper Revision Due
Week 13: Descartes's New Methods for the New Sciences
21Descartes's Mechanical Philosophy
Week 14: Newton and Newtonianism
22Newton's Dynamics and Gravitation
23Newton's Optics and the Culture of Newtonianism
Week 15: Laboratories, Societies, and Gentlemen
24England's Royal Society
25No lectureFinal Paper Due


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