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This is the third and last term of the quantum field theory sequence. A bare enumeration follows:
Specific Structure
8.323 (Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I) and 8.324 (Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II)
Recommended Readings
Peskin, M., and D. Schroeder. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1 June 1995. ISBN: 9780201503975.
Cheng, Ta-Pei, and Ling-Fong Li. Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics. Clarendon: Oxford University Press, 1984. ISBN: 9780198519560.
———. Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics: Problems and Solutions. 1st ed. UK: Oxford University Press, 1 May 2000. ISBN: 9780198506218.
Aitchison, I., and A. Hey. Gauge Theories in Particle Physics. UK: Oxford University Press, 1 September 1988. ISBN: 9780198519614.
Ellis, R., W. Stirling, and B. Webber. QCD and Collider Physics. Cambridge University Press, 24 October 1996. ISBN: 9780521581899.
The grade for this course is based entirely on the problem sets.