
Special Topics in Media Technology: Cooperative Machines >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

The following lecture notes are responses by one student, Guy Hoffman, to the readings assigned in class.  All of the work is used with permission.  For the complete citations, please see the readings section.

WEEK #TOPICSstudent responses
2PhilosophyM. Bratman (1990), "What is intention?" (PDF)

D. Dennett (1987), "Three kinds of intentional psychology." (PDF)

B. Malle and J. Knobe (2001), "The Distinction between Desire and Intention: A Folk-Conceptual Analysis." (PDF)
3Development of Theory of MindA. N. Meltzoff and J. Decety (2003), "What Imitation Tells Us About Social Cognition: a Rapprochement Between Developmental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience" (PDF)

S. Baron-Cohen (1991), "Precursors to a Theory of Mind: Understanding Attention in Others" (PDF)

H. Wellman (1991), "From Desires to Beliefs: Acquisition of a Theory of Mind" (PDF)
4Models of Theory of MindA. Gopnick and H. Wellman (1992), "Why the Child's Theory of Mind Really Is a Theory" (PDF)

S. Nichols, S. Stich, A. Leslie and D. Klein (1996), "Varieties of off-line simulation" (PDF)

R. M. Gordon (1986), "Folk Psychology as Simulation" (PDF)
5Reading Behavior, Reading Minds: PrimatesA. Whiten (1996), "When Does Smart Behavior-Reading Become Mind-Reading" (PDF)

D. Povinelli (1996), "Chimpanzee Theory of Mind? The Long Road to Strong Inference" (PDF)

G. Butterworth (1994), "Theory of Mind and the Facts of Embodiment" (PDF)
6Reading Behavior, Reading Minds: ChildrenA. Woodward, J. Sommerville and J. Guajardo (2001), "How Infants Make Sense of Intentional Action" (PDF)

B. Gleissner, A. Meltzoff, and H. Bekkering (2000), "Children's Coding of Human Action: Cognitive Factors Influencing Imitation in 3 Year Olds" (PDF)

J. Baird and D. Baldwin (2001), "Making Sense of Human Behavior: Acting Parsing and Intentional Inference" (PDF)
7Toward Machines with ToMM. Mataric (2000), "Getting Humanoids to Move and Imitate" (PDF)

C. Breazeal, D. Bushbaum, J. Gray, and B. Blumberg (2004), "Learning from and about others: towards using imitation to bootstrap the social competence of robots." (PDF)
8Joint Intention and ActionB. Grosz (1996), "Collaborative Systems: the 1994 AAAI Presidential Address" (PDF)

M. Bratman (1992), "Shared Cooperative Activity" (PDF)

J. Searle (1990), "Collective Intentions and Actions" (PDF)
9TeamworkP. Cohen and H. Levesque (1991), "Teamwork" (PDF)

H. Levesque, P. Cohen, J. Nunes (1991), "On Acting Together" (PDF)

D. Sullivan, A. Glass, B. Grosz, and S. Kraus (1999), "Intention Reconciliation in the Context of Teamwork: an Initial Empirical Investigation" (PDF)
10Robot TeamsH. Jones and P. Hinds (2002), "Extreme Work Teams: using SWAT Teams as a Model for Coordinating Distributed Robots" (PDF)

P. Stone and M. Veloso (1996), "Towards Collaborative and Adversarial Learning: a Case Study in Robotic Soccer" (PDF)

M. Veloso, P. Stone and M. Bowling (1998), "Anticipation: A Key for Collaboration in a Team of Agents" (PDF)
11Collaborative Discourse TheoryReport covering the following three papers (PDF):

D. Litman and J. Allen (1990), "Discourse processing and commonsense plans"

B. Grosz and C. Sider (1990), "Plans for Discourse"

C. Rich, C. Sidner and N. Lesh (2001), "Collagen: Applying Collaborative Discourse Theory to Human-Computer Interaction"


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