
Relational Machines >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


week #Topicskey dates
1Introduction, Why Relational Machines?
2Representing and Manipulating RelationshipsProject exercise 1 - Relationship Basics due
3Measuring Aspects of Relationships and InteractionsProject exercise 2 - Defining the Relationship due
4Issues in Particular PopulationsProject exercise 3 - Further Refinements due
5Interactions with Assistive and Therapeutic Agents
6Interactions with Machine TeammatesProject exercise 4 - Interview Preparation due
7Guest Lecture
8Interactions with Learning Companion and Tutorial Agents
9Interaction with Trainers and Assistant Agents
10Interaction with Trainers and Assistant Agents (cont.)
11Interaction with Wearable or Ambient Agents
12Interactions with Entertainment Agents
13Sponsor Week
14Final PresentationsFinal projects due


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