
The Film Experience >> Content Detail

Lecture Videos and Notes

Lecture Videos and Notes

Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .mp4, .rm.

Videos of four class sessions -- LEC 1-3 and LEC 20 -- are linked in the following table.

About the Class Notes

**Disclaimer: In the following table, the class notes files for LEC 1 through LEC 20 include detailed outlines captured during the Fall 2006 by a student for publication in OpenCourseWare. These detailed outlines are not Prof. Thorburn's own notes.

All the class notes files begin with Prof. Thorburn's summary outline of the lecture session. No detailed student notes are available for the last two sessions, so these files just contain the summary outlines.

Prof. Thorburn's brief outlines for all 2007 lectures, compiled in single file (PDF)

I. The silent era




Lec 1
(RM - 56K) (RM - 220K)

Lec 2
(RM - 56K) (RM - 220K)

Lec 1
(MP4 - 117.8MB)

Lec 2
(MP4 - 141.6MB)


(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

Lec 3
(RM - 56K) (RM - 220K)

Lec 3
(MP4 - 119.7MB)

35-6Film as a global and cultural form: german film

(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

II. Hollywood genres
47-8Hollywood in the 1930s: sound comedy

(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)


(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

611-12The musical

(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

713-14The western

(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

815-16Film in the 1970s

(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

III. International masters
917-18Renoir and poetic realism

(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

1019-20Italian neorealism

(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)

Lec 20
(RM - 56K) (RM - 220K)

Lec 20
(MP4 - 111.7MB)

1121FelliniSummary outline (PDF)  

Summary perspectives: film as art and artifact

Summary outline (PDF)  
Final exam


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