1-2 | Aristotle. Politics. Book 5.1. Webster, Noah. "Revolution." An American Dictionary of the English Language. 1st ed. New York, NY: S. Converse, 1828. "Revolution." The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Definitions of revolution (PDF) Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. Excerpts from The Communist Manifesto. The Communist League, February 21, 1848. (PDF) Primary documents from the Boston tea party (PDF)# |
3-5 |
Aristotle. The Athenian Constitution. Parts 1-41. |
6 | Plutarch. Life of Solon. Sections 1-3, 13-25.
7 | "Herodotus." Histories. Book V, on Athens.
8 | None |
9-10 | Plutarch. Excerpts from Life of Cimon and Life of Pericles. Raaflaub, Kurt A. "Power in the Hands of the People: Foundations of Athenian Democracy."; Ober, Josiah. "Revolution Matters: Democracy as Demotic Action (A Response to Kurt A. Raaflaub.)"; Raaflaub, Kurt A. "The Thetes and Democracy (A Response to Josiah Ober.)" Chapters 3-5 in Morris, Ian, et al. Democracy 2500? Questions and Challenges. Archaeological Society of America Colloquia and Conference Papers, no. 2, 1997. |
11 | Dickinson, John. "Letters of a Farmer in Pennsylvania." Letters II and III. Continental Congress: Resolution and Preface of May 10-15, 1776. (PDF) Instructions of the Town of Boston to its Representatives in the General Court, May 23, 1776. (PDF) Virginia Declaration of Rights, 1776. Declaration of Independence, 1776. Preamble, Part the First, and introduction of Part the Second from the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1780. |
12 | Social Causes of the Revolution Paris and the Politics of Rebellion "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen." National Constituent Assembly of France, August 26, 1789. de Gouges, Olympe. "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Female Citizen." France, 1791. "Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Citizens." (PDF) |
13 | None |
14-15 | Slavery and the Haitian Revolution
Haitian Declaration of Independence, 1804. |
16-18 |
Marx, Karl, and Engels, Friedrich. The Communist Manifesto. The Communist League, February 21, 1848. (PDF) Herzen, Aleksandr. From The Other Shore, and The Russian People and Socialism, an Open Letter to Jules Michelet. New York, NY: G. Braziller, 1956, pp. 165-208. Eisenstein, Sergei. Battleship Potemkin. Goskino, 1925. Trotsky, Leon. 1905. New York, NY: Random House, 1971. Visualizing Cultures, Units on Russo-Japanese War |
19-21 |
22-24 |
25-27 |
28-29 | Hinton, Carma, Geremie Barme, and Richard Gordon. Morning Sun. Brookline, MA: Long Bow Group, 2003.
30 | U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV. Roosevelt, Franklin D. "First Inaugural Address." Delivered to the nation, March 4, 1933. Hayden, Tom, et al. "Port Huron Statement." Port Huron, MI: Students for a Democratic Society, June 15, 1962. King, Martin Luther, Jr. "I Have a Dream." Delivered to a freedom rally, Washington, D.C. August 28, 1963. Johnson, Lyndon B. "To Fulfill These Rights." Howard University Commencement address, Washington, D.C. June 4, 1965. "NOW Statement of Purpose." Washington, D.C.: National Organization of Women, October 29, 1966. |
31 | ![]() |
32 |
Greider, William. "The Education of David Stockman." Atlantic Monthly, December 1981.
Reagan, Ronald. "Speech Delivered to the International Business Council, September 9, 1980." Vital Speeches of the Day 46 (October 1, 1980): 738-741. Carter, Jimmy. "The Crisis of Confidence." Delivered to the nation, July 15, 1979. |
33 | Reagan, Ronald. "Farewell Address." Delivered to the nation, January 11, 1989. "Republican Contract with America." U.S. Republican party, 1994. Clinton, Bill. "Third State of the Union Address." Delivered to the nation, January 24, 1995.
34 | None |
35 | Reagan, Ronald. "Evil Empire." Delivered to British Parliament, June 8, 1982. ———. "Remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals." Orlando, FL, March 8, 1983.
Hamilton, Lee H., and Daniel K. Inouye. "Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair." House Report No. 100-433, Senate Report No. 100-216. Washington DC: United States Congress, 1987. |
36-37 |
"The Cold War is Over." New York Times, April 2, 1989. Gorbachev, Mikhail. "Speech on Perestroika." 1988. Bush, George H. W. "Towards a New World Order." Delivered to U.S. Congress, September 11, 1990.
38 | None |
39 | None |