D1 | Organizational Meeting | |
L1 | Introduction | Chapter 1 |
R1 | Scheme Review and Matching | |
L2 | Search | Chapter 3 (Sec 3.1-3.5) |
D2 | Introduction to Diagnostic Reasoning | Szolovits, P., and S. G. Pauker. "Categorical and probabilistic reasoning in medical diagnosis." Artificial Intelligence 11, nos. 1-2 (1978): 115-144. Pauker, S. G., G. A. Gorry, J. P. Kassirer, and W. B. Schwartz. "Toward the Simulation of Clinical Cognition: Taking the Present Illness." American Journal of Medicine 60 (1976): 1-18. |
L3 | Search (cont.) | Chapter 4 (Sec 4.1-4.3) |
R2 | Searches | |
L4 | Constraint Satisfaction | Chapter 5 |
D3 | Diagnosis by Pattern Matching and Search | Wu, T. D. "Efficient Diagnosis of Multiple Disorders Based on a Symptom Clustering Approach." In Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press, 1990, pp. 357-364.![]() |
L5 | Games | Chapter 6 (Sec 6.1-6.3) |
R3 | CSP and Games | |
L6 | Learning as Search | |
D4 | Causal Reasoning | Schwartz, W. B., R. S. Patil, and P. Szolovits. "Artificial intelligence in medicine: where do we stand." New England Journal of Medicine 316 (1987): 685-688. Patil, R. S., P. Szolovits, and W. B. Schwartz. "Causal understanding of patient illness in medical diagnosis." In Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1981, pp. 893-899. ———. "Information acquisition in diagnosis." In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1982, pp. 345-348. Patil, R. S. "Causal Representation of Patient Illness for Electrolyte and Acid-Base Diagnosis." MIT Ph.D. Thesis, 1981. |
L7 | Formulating Search | |
R4 | Design Project 1 | |
L8 | Decision Trees | Chapter 18 (Sec 18.1-18.3) |
D5 | Receiver-Operator Characteristics Curves to Evaluate Systems | Lasko, T. A., J. G. Bhagwat, K. H. Zou, and L. Ohno-Machado. The Use of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves in Biomedical Informatics. (In press.) |
L9 | Naïve Bayes | Chapter 18 (Sec 18.1-18.3) |
R5 | Design Project 1 Presentation and Question-Answer | |
Q1 | Quiz 1 | |
D6 | Prognostic Modeling | Cooper, Gregory F., et al. "Predicting Dire Outcomes of Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia." Journal of Biomedical Informatics 38, no. 5 (2005): 347-366. |
L10 | Continuous Features | Chapter 20 (Sec 20.4) |
R6 | Naïve Bayes and Nearest Neighbor | |
L11 | Linear Separators | Chapter 20 (Sec 20.5-20.6) |
D7 | Classification Methods for Gene Expression Data | Statnikov, A., et al. "A comprehensive evaluation of multicategory classification methods for microarray gene expression cancer diagnosis." Bioinformatics 21, no. 5 (2005): 631-643. Kuo, W. P., et al. "A primer on gene expression and microarrays for machine learning researchers." Journal of Biomedical Informatics 37 (2004): 293–303. |
L12 | Neural Nets | Chapter 20 (Sec 20.5-20.6) |
R7 | SVM | |
L13 | SVM | Chapter 20 (Sec 20.5-20.6) |
D8 | Predictive Models | Marcin, J. P., et al. "Combining physician's subjective and physiology-based objective mortality risk predictions." Crit Care Med 28, no. 8 (2000): 2984-90. Steyerberg, E. W., et al. "Validation and updating of predictive logistic regression models: a study on sample size and shrinkage." Statist Med 23 (2004): 2567-2586. |
L14 | Feature and Model Selection | Chapter 20 (Sec 20.5-20.6) |
R8 | Problem Set 6 | |
Q2 | Quiz 2 | |
D9 | Learning Medical Reasoning | Coderre, S., et al. "Diagnostic reasoning strategies and diagnostic success." Medical Education 37 (2003): 695-703. Arocha, J. F., et al. "Identifying reasoning strategies in medical decision making: A methodological guide." Journal of Biomedical Informatics (2005 - in press.) |
L15 | Formulating Learning | |
R9 | Introduction to Logic | |
L16 | Introduction to Logic and Representation | |
D10 | Pragmatics | Hunt, D. L., et al. "Effects of Computer-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems on Physician Performance and Patient Outcomes." JAMA 280, no. 15 (1998): 1339-46. Kawamoto, K., et al. "Improving clinical practice using clinical decision support systems: a systematic review of trials to identify features critical to success." BMJ (British Medical Journal) 330, no. 7494 (2005): 765. Ammenwerth, E., and N. de Keizer. "An Inventory of Evaluation Studies of Information Technology in Health Care." Methods Inf Med 44 (2005): 44-56. Nielsen, J. "Medical Usability: How to Kill Patients Through Bad Design." |
L17 | Propositional Logic | Chapter 7 (Sec 7.1-7.5) |
R10 | Design Project 2 Presentation and Question-Answer | |
D11 | Medical Knowledge Representation | Rector, A. L., et al. "The GRAIL Concept Modelling Language for Medical Terminology." Extended version of the paper in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 9 (1997): 139-171. Trombert-Paviot, B., et al. "GALEN: a third generation terminology tool to support a multipurpose national coding system for surgical procedures." International Journal of Medical Informatics 58-59 (2000): 71-85. |
L18 | Introduction to Natural Language Processing | |
R11 | Logic and Proof | |
L19 | First Order Logic | Chapter 8 (Sec 8.1-8.3) |
D12 | Evaluation of Complex Decision Support Systems | Berner, E. S., et al. "Performance of Four Computer-Based Diagnostic Systems." New England Journal of Medicine 300 (1994): 1792-6. Fraser, H. S. F., et al. "Evaluation of a Cardiac Diagnostic Program in a Typical Clinical Setting." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 10 (2003): 373-381. |
L20 | First Order Logic (cont.) | Chapter 9 (Sec 9.1, 9.2, 9.5) |
R12 | Syntax and Semantics | |
L21 | Rules | Chapter 9 (Sec 9.4) |
D13 | Rule-Based Expert Systems | Davis, R., B. G. Buchanan, and E. H. Shortliffe. "Production Rules as a Representation for a Knowledge-Based Consultation Program." Artificial Intelligence 8 (1977): 15-45. Yu, V. L., B. G. Buchanan, E. H. Shortliffe, S. M. Wraith, R. Davis, A. C. Scott, and S. N. Cohen. "Evaluating the Performance of a Computer-Based Consultant." Comp Programs in Biomedicine 9 (1979): 95-102. Yu, V. L., et al. "Antimicrobial Selection by a Computer: A Blinded Evaluation by Infectious Diseases Experts." JAMA 242, no. 12 (1979): 1279-82. |
L22 | Language | Chapter 22 (Sec 22.1-22.5) |
R13 | Problem Set 9 | |
L23 | Language | Chapter 22 (Sec 22.1-22.5) |
D14 | Student Presentations | |
L24 | Conclusion | |
Final Exam |