There are three types of home assignments given on a weekly basis. The parts to be submitted generally will be due one week later. The first type is referred to as warm-up exercises. These are not to be handed in. These problems and their solutions generally will be posted on the day that they are handed out. The second type is referred to as practice problems. These are not to be handed in. These problems will be posted on the day that they are handed out and their solutions generally will be posted one week after they are handed out (on the due date for that weekly set). The third type is referred to as application tasks. Solutions to these are to be handed in by each student by the noted due date. These problems will be posted on the day that they are handed out and their solutions generally will be posted a day after due date. Further information on these problems, their objectives, suggested learning approach, as well as home assignment submission policy, can be found in the Course Information and Policies (
A fourth type of home assignment in 16.20 is design problems. There will be four of these. Tentative handout and due days are on the schedule. These will be team problems and are to be handed in by the noted due day with only one solution required per team.
Design problems will be posted on the day that they are handed out in class. The teaching staff approach (i.e. our solution but not "the" solution) to these problems will be posted on the website after the due day.
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| DESIGN PROBLEM # | | | | DAY ISSUED | | | | DAY DUE | |
| | | | |
| | | | | | 1 (PDF) | | | | Day 5 | | | | Day 10 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 (PDF) | | | | Day 11 | | | | Day 17 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 (PDF) | | | | Day 20 | | | | Day 31 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 (PDF) | | | | Day 36 | | | | Day 47 | | | | | | |