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Below is a both a bibliography (in alphabetical order) of the readings associated with the lecture portion of the course and the readings by lecture session. You may download a pdf version of the complete bibliography of all readings for both the lab and lecture sessions. (PDF)
Allen, A. A. "Review of Cost Effectiveness Research." Telemedicine Today (October 1998).
Annas, G. J. "The Health of the President and Presidential Candidates." NEJM 333, no. 14 (1995): 945-959.
Bazzoli, F. "Filling the Data Bucket." HealthCare Management (November 1997): 62-74.
———. "Justifying Where the Dollars Go." HealthCare Management (February 1998): 58-70.
Bero, C., J. Glaser, and J. Franklin. "Partners Community HealthCare Extranet (PCHInet): A Business Plan." Journal of Healthcare Information Management 14, no. 33 (2000): 41-54.
Berry, D. A., M. C. Wolff, and D. Sack. "Decision Making During a Phase III RCT." Controlled Clinical Trials 15 (1994): 360-378.
Betz, F. Managing Technological Innovation. New York, NY: John Wiley, 1998, chapters 1 and 5 (pp. 1-18, 73-91), chapter 17 (pp. 279-297), and chapter 19 (pp. 313-332). ISBN: 9780471173809.
Bloor, K., L. Davies, M. Drummond, and J. Mason. Costing Alongside Clinical Trials.
Brant, Jonathan. "Confidentiality of Medical Information: Legal and Ethical Issues." Presentation to Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Conference of Patient Confidentiality: Enhancing the Power and Privacy of Medical Information, Sept 30-Oct 1, 1996, Cambridge, MA.
Chin, T. L. "A New Public Health Tool." Health Data Management (February 1998): 32-34.
Christensen, M. Clayton, Richard M. J. Bohmer, and John Kenagy. "Will Disruptive Innovations Cure Health Care?" Harvard Business Review (September-October 2000): 102-117.
Coats, M., and T. Mellon. "Constructing Operational Specifications." Dr. Dobb's Journal (June 1995): 18-33.
Collen, M. F. "A Vision of Health Care and Informatics in 2008." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 6, no. 1 (January/February 1999): 1-5.
Cushman, R. "Serious Technology Assessment for Health Care Information Technology." JAMIA 4, no. 4 (July/August 1997).
D'Allessandro, M. P., J. R. Galvin, and W. E. Erkonen, et al. "The Virtual Hospital: An IAIMS Integrating Continuing Education into the WorkFlow." MD Computing 13, no. 4 (1996): 323-328.
Darkins, A. "The Management of Clinical Risk in Telemedicine Applications." J Telemedicine Telecare 2 (1996): 179-184.
Darkins, A., C. H. Dearden, L. G. Rocke, and J. B. Martin, et al. "An Evaluation of Telemedical Support for a Minor Treatment Center." J Telemedicine Telecare 2, no. 2.
Drucker, P. Managing in Turbulent Times. New York, NY: Harper Row, 1980, pp. 48-67. ISBN: 9780887306167.
Edmondson, Amy, Richard Bohmer, and Gary P. Pisano. "Speeding up Team Learning." Harvard Business Review 79, no. 9 (October 2001): 125-134.
Einbinder, J., C. Rury, and C. Safran. "Outcomes Research Using the EPR: BI Experience with Anticoagulation."
Fleishman, G. "Turning to the Net to Lift the Shadows of Cancer's Dark Days." New York Times.
Freeman, R. E. Strategic Management - A Stakeholder Approach. Boston, MA: Pitman, 1984, pp. 1-27, and 91-123. ISBN: 9780273019138.
Generic Competitive Strategies. Chapter 2, pp. 35-49.
Glaser, J. "Creating and Managing an Integrated Delivery System." MD Computing 17, no. 5 (September/October, 2000): 23-28.
Going to Market. President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Business School Publishing, 1999, pp. 1-10.
Grigsby, J. "Ineffective Cost Effectiveness." The Last Word. Telemedicine Today (October 1998): 48.
Hafner, Katie. "Can the Internet Cure the Common Cold?" New York Times, E 1, July 9, 1998.
Halamka, J., P. Szolovits, D. Rind, and C. Safran. "A WWW Implementation of National Recommendations for Protecting Electronic Health Information." JAIMA 4, no. 6 (1997): 458-464.
Hammer, M., and J. Champy. Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution. New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 1993, pp. 82-101. ISBN: 9780887306877.
Harris, L. M. "Confidentiality in Patient Centered Networked Health Care Systems." 1996.
Herzlinger, ePhysician, HBS Case. N9-302-021.
Herzlinger, R. "The Failed Revolution in Health Care. The Role of Management." Harvard Business Review (1989): 95-103.
———. Market-Driven Healthcare: Who Wins, Who Loses in the Transformation of America's Largest Service Industry. New York, NY: Perseus Books Group, 1999, chapters 8-10, pp. 157-242. ISBN: 9780738201368.
———. "Market-Driven Focused Healthcare: The Role of Managers." Frontiers of Health Services Management 16 (2000): 3-13.
———. The Truth About Managed Care. March 25, 1999.
Hisashige, A. HealthCare Technology Assessment and the Challenge to Pharmacoeconomics in Japan.
Houston, J. D., and D. C. Fiore. "Online Medical Surveys: Using the Internet as a Research Tool." MD Computing 15, no. 2 (1998): 116-120.
Hunt, D. V. "Integrated Product Development Today." Chapter 1 in Reengineering. 1993.
Integrated Marketing Communications. President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Business School Publishing, 1999, pp. 1-14.
Jay, A. Management and Machiavelli. New York, NY: Prentice Hall Press, 1996. ISBN: 9780136026082.
Joch, Alan. "Ready for Prime Time?" Health Care Informatics (September 1998).
Kahn, M. Modeling Time in Medical Decision Support Program. October 22, 1990.
Kasper, J. F., A. G. Mulley, and J. E. Wennberg. "Developing Shared Decision-Making Programs to Improve the Quality of Health Care." Journal of Quality Improvement 18, no. 6 (June 1992): 182-190.
Long, W. "Medical Diagnosis Using a Probabilistic Causal Network." Applied Artificial Intelligence 3 (1989): 283-298.
Marletti, C. "Imagine." HealthCare Informatics (January 1998): 39-46.
Meador, C. L., L. G. Freeman, E. C. Zimmerman, and C. Safran. "The Millennium Bug, A Patient Centered Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment." MD Computing 15, no. 2 (1998): 88-94.
Musen, M. A., S. W. Tu, A. K. Das, and Y. Shahar. "EON: A Component Based Approach to Automation of Protocol Directed Therapy." JAIMA 3, no. 6 (November/December 1996): 367-387.
Nesheim, J. L. High Tech Start Up. New York, NY: Free Press, 2000. Chapters 1, 3, and 5. ISBN: 9780684871707.
Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet (Executive Summary). pp. 1-26. Committee on Enhancing the Internet for Health Applications.
New Economy Executives Face Longer Searches in Tough Market.
Note on Marketing Strategy. President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Business School Publishing, 1997, pp. 1-16.
Note on Low-Tech Marketing Math. President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Business School Publishing, 1998, pp. 1-9.
Object Domain Tutorial - Drawing Components Object Domain Systems Users Guide. September 1996, pp. 1-19.
"Object Oriented Databases." Software Digest 14, no. 7 (July 1997).
Ontario Guidelines for Economic Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products. Ministry of Health. Ontario. pp. 1-15.
Ozbolt, J. G. "From Minimum Data to Maximum Impact. Using Clinical Data to Strengthen Patient Care." MD Computing 14, no. 4 (1997).
Patil, R. S., and P. Szolovits. Information Acquisition in Diagnosis. PNAS conference. 1982, pp. 345-8.
Patil, R. S., P. Szolovits, and W. B. Schwartz. "Casual Understanding of Patient Illness in Medical Diagnosis." Readings in Medical Artificial Intelligence: The First Decade. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1984, chapter 14. ISBN: 9780201108545.
Pilkington, G., and G. Pilkington. "Disease Management Theory versus Practice: What Lessons can be Learned from the U.S.?" Dis Manage Health Outcomes 1, no. 3 (March 1997): 121-128.
Pople, H. E. "Heuristic Models for Imposing Structure on Ill-structured Problems, the Structuring of Medical Diagnosis." Chapter 5 in Szolovits, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 1982, pp. 119-190.
Porter, M. E. Competitive Strategy - Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York, NY: The Free Press, 1980, introduction and chapter 1, pp. xiii-xx and 1-33. ISBN: 9780029253601.
Product Policy. President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Business School Publishing, 1984, pp. 1-7.
Rind, D., and I. Kohane. "Confidentiality of Medical Records in the W3-EMRS Project." JAIMA (1997): page 989.
Roan, S. "Changing Their Role." LA times, S1, January 24, 2000.
Safran, C. "High Tech or High Touch?: Rebuilding the Physician-Patient Relationship in a Time Starved Environment."
Safran, C., D. Rind, and R. B. Davis, et al. "Implementing Practice Guidelines within a Knowledge Based Medical Record." 1993.
Sands, D. Z., J. D. Halamka, and D. Pellaton. "Patient Site: A Web-Based Clinical Communication and Health Education Tool."
Savas, S. D. "Health-e Opportunities in e-Health?" Goldman Sachs. November 11, 1999.
Schneider, P. "Toward a Global Medical Village." HealthCare Informatics (November 1997): 27-34.
Schwartz, W. B. "Medicine and the Computer." NEJM 283 (1970): 1257-1264.
Silverman, B. G., P. Jones, C. Safran, and L. Reis. HOLON, June 1998.
Siwicki, B. "Applying the Internet in Health Care." Health Data Management (March 1998): 38-48.
———. "Health Data Security." Health Data Management (September 1997): 46-50.
———. "Overcoming Electronic Records Hurdles." Health Data Management (May 1998): 59-70.
Slack, W. V., G. P. Hicks, C. E. Reed, and L. J. Van Cura. "A Computer Based Medical History System." NEJM 274 (1996): 194-198m.
Slack, W. V. "CyberMedicine: How Computing Empowers Patients for Better Health Care." The Clinician On-Line. 1997, chapter 8.
———. "CyberMedicine: How Computing Empowers Patients for Better Health Care." MEDINFO 98 (1998).
———. The Issue of Privacy. Editorial.
———. "Patient Computer Dialogue A Review." Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 2000, pp. 71-78.
Slack W. V., C. Safran, and H. Bleich. "Computerization in Hospital Based Delivery Systems." Chapter 8 in Computerization of Behavioral HealthCare. Edited by Tom Trabin and Michael Freeman. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1996. ISBN: 9780787902216.
Spilker, B. Guide to Clinical Trials. New York, NY: Raven Press, 1996, chapter 3 (pp. 10-14), and chapters 6-7 (pp. 27-58). ISBN: 9780881677676.
Spilker, B., and J. Schoenfelder. Data Collection Forms in Clinical Trials.New York, NY: Raven Press, 1991, pp. 1-11. ISBN: 9780881677591.
Szolovits, P., and S. G. Pauker. Categorical and Probabilistic Reasoning in Medical Diagnosis AI, no. 11 (1978): 115-144.
"U.S. Dept. of HHS." Using Clinical Practice Guidelines To Evaluate Quality of Care 1 (March 1995): 1-23.
Welch, S. R. Normative Clinical Trials. Appendix 7C (February 25, 1996): 7-71 to 7-83.
Western Governor's Association Telemedicine Report. pp. 1-6.
Western Governor's Association Telemedicine Action Update. pp. 1-16.
"The Wilkerson Group." Integrated Health Care: Pharmaceutical Company Roles In a Seamless System of Care (March 1995): 88-101.
Reading Assignments by Lecture Session
Course readings.LEC # | READINGS |
1 | Slack, Warner V. "A 67-Year-Old Man Who e-Mails His Physician." JAMA 292 (2004): 2255-2261. |
2 | Ford-Carleton, Penny, Nancy Lugn, Nhedti Colquitt, Marcia Reissig, Irene Higginson, and Joseph C. Kvedar. "Congestive heart failure." Chapter 17 in Home Telehealth: Connecting Care Within the Community. London, UK: Royal Society of Medicine Press, 2006. ISBN: 9781853156571.
Shea, et al. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Telemedicine Case Management with Usual Care in Older, Ethnically Diverse, Medically Underserved Patients with Diabetes Mellitus." J Am Med Inform Assoc 13 (2006): 40-51. "Remote Physiological Monitoring: Innovation in the Management of Heart Failure." A Brochure by the New England Healthcare Institute (July 2004). |
3 | Edlin, Mari. "Implementing Personal Health Records." Tang, Paul C., Joan S. Ash, David W. Bates, J. Marc Overhage, and Daniel Z. Sands. "Personal Health Records: Definitions, Benefits, and Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Adoption." J Am Med Inform Assoc 13 (2006): 121-126. |
4 | Halamka, John, et al. "E-Prescribing Collaboration in Massachusetts: Early Experiences from Regional Prescribing Projects." J Am Med Inform Assoc 13 (2006): 1-6. Halamka, John, Ari Juels, Adam Stubblefield, and Jonathan Westhues. "A Security Analysis of the VeriChip™ Implantable RFID Device." J Am Med Inform Assoc. Halamka, et al. "Health Care IT Collaboration in Massachusetts: The Experience of Creating Regional Connectivity." J Am Med Inform Assoc 12 (2005): 1-6. |
5 | Drayton, Bill. "Everyone a Changemaker: Social Entrepreneurship's Ultimate Goal." Reprinted from the Winter 2006 edition of Innovations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, with Harvard University and George Mason University. Blander, Jeffrey. "Research Without Borders: A Bold Vision for a Technology-Enabled Clinical Research Administration in the New Millennium." Draft. (Internal document.) Wood, Arthur, and Maximilian Martin. "Market-Based Solutions for Financing Philanthropy." Dees, J. Gregory. "The Meaning of 'Social Entrepreneurship.'" Revised (May 30, 2001). |
6 | Safran, Charles, et al. "Toward a National Framework for the Secondary Use of Health Data: An American Medical Informatics Association White Paper." J Am Med Inform Assoc 14 (2007): 1-9. Zerhouni, Elias A. "Translational and Clinical Science - Time for a New Vision." N Engl J Med 353 (2005): 1621-1623. |
7 | (no readings) |
8 | (no readings) |
9 | (no readings) |
10 | Bodenheimer, Thomas. "Disease Management - Promises and Pitfalls." N Engl J Med 340 (1999): 1202-1205. Casalino, Lawrence P. "Disease Management and the Organization of Physician Practice." JAMA 293 (2005): 485-488. Beran, David, and John S. Yudkin. "Diabetes care in sub-Saharan Africa." Lancet 368 (2006): 1680-1695. Fetterolf, Donald. "Notes from the Field: The Economic Value Chain in Disease Management Organizations." Disease Management 9 (2006): 316-327. Lin, Elizabeth H. B., et al. "Relationships of Depression and Diabetes Self-Care, Medication Adherence, and Preventive Care." Diabetes Care 27 (2004): 2154-2160. |