Student Seminars
Student Seminar Topics
Seminar 1: The Alimentary Tract
Mucosal barrier
General topics
Tight junctions
The glycocalyx
Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue
Molecular biology of colorectal carcinogenesis
DNA mismatch repair genes and cancer
Chemical, radiation, and drug-induced mucosal damage
Microbial pathogenesis in the GI tract
E. Coli
H. pylori
Seminar 2: The Pancreatobiliary Tracts
Biology and physical chemistry of bile and bile salts
Structure and function of biological membranes
Mechanisms of hereditary and acquired pancreatic disease
Seminar 3: The Liver
Mechanisms of liver detoxification
Microsomal enzymes
Drug-induced liver disease
Immunology of the liver
Viral hepatitis
Autoimmune liver disease
Mechanisms of acute and chronic liver damage
Alcoholic liver disease
Fibrosis and cirrhosis
Inherited/metabolic disorders of the liver
Alphal-antitrypsin deficiency
Tangier disease
Glycogen storage disease
Lysosomal storage disease