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An increasing number of students in health sciences, engineering, bioinformatics, and other biomedical initiatives at MIT require an introduction to human pathology and issues posed by novel medical and diagnostic technologies. Currently, the only available course in human pathology is HST.030/031, which is designed primarily for HST MD and MEMP students and is based at the Harvard Medical School campus. HST.035 was designed to provide an alternative option for MIT students and to make human pathology accessible to a broader audience at MIT. In addition, by taking advantage of new technologies in "virtual microscopy," HST.035 introduces a new integrated approach to pathology laboratories that streamlines clinicopathological case-studies and enables access to these educational materials from anywhere on the MIT campus.
This subject provides a comprehensive overview of human pathology with emphasis on mechanisms of disease and modern diagnostic technologies. Topics include (1) General Mechanisms of Disease (Inflammation, Infection, Immune Injury, Host Response to Foreign Materials, Transplantation, Genetic Disorders and Neoplasia), (2) Pathology of Lipids, Enzymes and Molecular Transporters, (3) Pathology of Major Organ Systems, and (4) Review of Diagnostic Tools from Invasive Surgical Pathology to Non-invasive Techniques such as Optical Spectroscopy, Functional Imaging, and Molecular Markers of Disease. The objectives of this course are achieved by a set of integrated lectures and laboratories, as well as a student-driven term project leading to a formal presentation on a medical, socioeconomic, or technological issue in human pathology.
A basic understanding of cellular biology is required to study cellular pathology and mechanisms of disease. Although the formal prerequisites for the course are 7.01: (Introduction to Biology) and 7.05: (General Biochemistry), this requirement can be met by other courses or forms of experience (permission of the course director is required).
Required Textbook
Additional Basic References
There will be 12 laboratory sessions in the course, each lasting approximately 2 hours. These include:
Lab 1. Cells and Tissues - Part I
Lab 2. Cells and Tissues - Part II
Lab 3. Infection and Immunity
Lab 4. Transplantation and Biomaterials
Lab 5. The Heart
Lab 6. Kidneys and Blood Vessels
Lab 7. Lungs and Liver
Lab 8. The Gastrointestinal Tract
Lab 9. Red and White Blood Cells
Lab 10. The Nervous System
Lab 11. The Clinical Laboratories (at Harvard Medical School)
Lab 12. Autopsy Conference (at Harvard Medical School)
The first two laboratories are designed to familiarize you with the common structures of cells and tissues, the subsequent eight laboratories are focused on specific organs and organ systems pathology, and the final two laboratories are designed to introduce you to two specialized and important areas of hospital pathology. The web-based materials for each lab will be posted just-in-time for the corresponding lab, but will remain available through the course website for the remainder of the course.
Although the web-based laboratories are largely "menu-driven," you are expected to use the materials presented to you to formulate your own thoughts and to ask questions. It is extremely important that you actively interact with the faculty during the laboratories. The images, cases and other materials presented to you contain a wealth of information that will only be accessible to you if you wonder and ask questions!
The minicases are small case-studies designed to help you integrate the materials covered in class and in your readings. You are expected to review the minicases ahead of time and to formulate your opinion about each case. Although you are not expected to hand-in your responses to questions posed in each minicase, you should have spent enough time on each case to be able to participate in class discussions about each case. The minicases will be distributed approximately 1 week before each scheduled session.
Your final grade in HST.035 will be determined based on the following criteria: