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The class meets 3 times every week for one hour.
There are no quizzes and no final exam.
Students are graded based on their performance on problem set assignments. There are 7 assignments, of which 2 are in-depth, or major, assignments.
The class meetings comprise of chalk-and-talk lectures and group discussion.
White, F. Viscous Fluid Flow. McGraw-Hill, 1991. ISBN:0-07-069712-4.
Batchelor, G. K. An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN:0-521-66396-2.
Cebeci, T., and P. Bradshaw. Momentum Transfer in Boundary Layers. McGraw-Hill, 1977. ISBN:0-07-010300-3.
Schlichting, H et al. Boundary Layer Theory, 8th Ed. Springer Verlag, 1999. ISBN: 3540662707.
Rosenhead, L. Laminar Boundary Layers. Dover Publications, 1988. ISBN:0-486-65646-2.
Bradshaw, Cebeci, and Whitelaw. Engineering Calculation Methods for Turbulent Flow. Academic Press, 1981. ASIN:0121245500.
Kuethe, A. and C-Y. Chow. Foundations of Aerodynamics, 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1986. ASIN:0471509531.
Journals: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, Journal of Fluid Mechanics