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  • There is a lot that Minorities can gain from Higher Education
  • Posted By:
  • Jamie K
  • Posted On:
  • 17-Oct-2012
  • The gap between minority and white students has been pretty evident in our country. Although, the differences have been there, this gap has reduced to great extent in the past few years. Policymakers and economists across the country believe that the gap would further decrease if good quality higher education is provided to minority students on a large scale and also at a relatively lesser cost.

    Fortunately, many people in the country seem to share similar views, especially minority communities.
    A latest poll conducted by National Journal has revealed that Hispanics and Black students understand the importance of higher education a lot more as compared to their white mates.

    Parents and families of minority students are going a step forward and encouraging their children to take up higher education. This is contrasting to the kind of approach and attitude white students and their families have shown in the past couple of years.

    The past few years have seen a new trend emerging amongst most of the white students. Unfortunately, they have a feeling that higher education is not going to help them much. On the other hand, minority students are more than convinced that holding a four year degree in their hand is surely going to make them prosperous in the future. Experts and administrators are glad to see this kind of approach amongst minority students. Administrators believe that such attitude can make the economy recession-proof in the near future. 

    The 2009 economic crises is a perfect example of how a nation can get affected due to poor attitude towards higher education. The situation revealed that only those individuals survived the crises that hold good degrees under their belt. For those who had chosen to opt out of educational institutes, the economic crisis of 2009 was a bitter experience.

    Apart from making the economy recession proof, more numbers of minority students holding prime degrees would also mean that the gap between different races would come down even further. Many countries have been surrounded by the issue of racial discrimination and America is no exception. This discrimination would eventually come down if there are more numbers of people belonging to minority groups working at higher designations and posts.

    Many administrators strongly believe that America, as a nation is less intellectual. This again stresses on the importance of higher education. Groups and races that have a belief in education do not shy away from getting involved in it. Students belonging to these groups are more than willing to take up higher education.

    To attract the attention of more white students, awareness would play a very important role in coming weeks/months. A reduction in the overall cost of higher education would certainly work in the favor of this cause.

    At the moment though, it seems like the minority students have decided to take up their destiny in their own hands. They are willing to work hard and earn a higher degree. These are good signs for America.


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