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  • Funding education for immigrants?
  • Posted By:
  • Karen W.
  • Posted On:
  • 26-May-2010
  • Education is our fundamental right. It is a must for every child to study and gain valuable knowledge. The very cornerstone of American education is ‘free educational rights for children’. But some people are now questioning the fact whether this ‘free educational rights for children’ should be or should not be extended children whose parents have illegally migrated to America.

    This is a grave situation as there is mixed feelings regarding this topics amidst parents, children and teachers. Some of them feel that when some family migrates illegally, they have no legal rights and therefore, the American cornerstone of education cannot be extended to them. They feel people who have encroached their and illegally have no legal rights whatsoever. They are not concerned with the main reason behind the migration of people. They feel strongly against people who deface laws and rules of the country. They do no want to share their rights with those who they think do not deserve them.

    On the other hand, some believe that although immigrants who come into the country illegally should be punished, their kids cannot be made to suffer. They feel that children themselves cannot make decisions and therefore, they cannot be punished for the decisions taken by their parents. They should be allowed complete education.

    This is necessary they feel because these kids can then lead a better life and go on to become better citizens. They will not then repeat the same mistakes their parents have made in the past. Some states have passed a law which states that when a student has lived in the state for a while they can apply for grants required for education. This means the migrants are encouraged to reach out for education which is a good sign.

    Over the years we has witnessed that it is through education, we learn to value things and respect people around us. It is important for kids to understand what they are and where they come from. It is also important to know that it is through the right education they can go on to become successful and lead better lives.

    America is the right country and to many, a land of dreams. While immigrants come here in search of a better life, their kids just like the regular American kids should be offered education to say the least. If this was not done, then these kids could turn into adults who would never learn the value of anything and anyone around them. Life would be real tough around these kids then. And we definitely would not want to have a handful of such kids doing the rounds of our peaceful neighbourhoods. We need to strive towards a better tomorrow.

    Hence education is important. These kids, whoever they are and whatever the situation maybe, should be allowed to study. It is only through education and good values, can they learn to lead better lives. However, this is an ongoing debate which may or may not come to end anytime soon.


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