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  • University Extra Fees are Ridiculous
  • Posted By:
  • Jan R
  • Posted On:
  • 22-Apr-2009
  • Instead of coming right out and saying this is the tuition and cost of attending your university of choice, many schools are making up for the risings costs and decreased funding by other means. They are making up and charging exorbitant fees for absurd things such as technology to energy. In other words to help keep the lights on in lecture halls or in computer labs, the fees are tacked on. These fees often add up to more than four times more than the original tuition.

    Fees for social club or Sports clubs have been in operation for many years and are an expected cost. But when universities and colleges start charging for heat, lights and technical support to make up for their financial downfalls, there is something terribly wrong with the system. More money was promised by the Obama campaign and was started in California most recently so that these fees might be lifted. But nothing acts that quickly.

    In Oregon the extra fees amount to almost 40 % of the cost of tuition and the professors are not getting the lion’s share of that money. When Federal or State funding does not give assistance for new costs, then the students are expected to pick up the slack. Some universities are adding the fees right into the tuition so that parents know up front what the cost are and can better budget for the amount.

    Student Loans Offices might not be aware of which universities have the extra costs and are underfunded. It might be prudent for the students to ask their future campus financial aid offices what the overall costs will be and then inform the Student Loans Department of those costs when applying. It could make all the difference in attending the chosen campus or not!



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