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  • President promises more federal funds to universities following initiatives
  • Posted By:
  • Kathy H
  • Posted On:
  • 24-Feb-2012
  • In his state of the Union address, President Obama outlined the higher education plans and ways to reduce tuition. He also emphasized the significance of secondary education.

    Obama stated that the income of Americans who have completed a college degree or more is twice as high as those who do not have a high school diploma. Obama challenged the states to take the responsibility on this issue. He added that his administration is going to launch the “Race to the Top” program for making colleges affordable and accessible to every American.

    He also said that his administration will help the states that find out innovative ways to reduce the cost of college education and make it easier for more students to receive higher education.

    The Government has invested $1 billion in the Race to the Top program and to the initiative to increase the number of work-study jobs over the next five years as well as to reduce interest rates on student loans. Vice President Joe Biden said in a conference call with college newspaper that he and the president want to make the United States Number 1 in education worldwide by 2020.

    Biden also stated that Obama’s administration is giving higher priority to higher education than maintaining a $54 billion tax cut for oil companies, though Exxon made more than $40 billion profit last year. Biden said the oil companies do not need $45 billion in the next 10 years, but colleges need $45 billion.

    Brandi Hall, Attorney general of Student Government Association said though this new initiative looks good, it could cause problems for the universities ultimately.

    He specified, if we are not getting federal funds, the students will face many problems. Federal support is taxation to citizens. Anyways, it is a win to lose situation. If the students are engaging in their education for a long period, Obama’s decision will be the best.

    Marcia Welsh, Interim President of Towson University said that Universities actually do not prefer to increase tuition, but it is a mandatory requirement.

    Welsh said that she does not know the full details of President’s blueprint. However, tuition at every college has increases, due to lack of support. If the government cuts state aids for a university, they need to get it from somewhere.

    Even in this poor economy, Towson University has one of the lowest tuitions in the state. Obama’s plan would weaken the university further.

    Welsh added that most of their budgets go to faculty, hiring tutors and other costs that are people related. The state cuts the aid we receive, and then the universities compensate it by increasing tuition. However, we try our best to reduce tuition as far as possible. Nevertheless, the last thing in the blue print requires us to prepare for more challenges.

    The budget for the financial year 2013 of Gov. Martin O’Malley, Maryland would involve raising University system of schools’ tuition by 3%. The proposal would direct around 40% budget of the state to education and 10% to higher education.

    Obama’s plan also includes giving a report card to colleges, so that parents and students can understand whether a particular college is affordable for them. Obama said that the parents and students deserve to know whether a college is good, whether it is affordable and whether the students of that college are doing well.


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