Library Purposes and Functions
The basic purposes and functions of the library are:
* to provide specific materials, regardless of format, for students of all degree and non-degree programs and courses offered at East-West University;
* to plan for and acquire specific materials, regardless of format, for programs and courses projected to be offered within the next academic years (using as guidelines the annually reviewed
East-West University Long Range Plan);
* to provide an effective library delivery system, complete with circulation, reserves, and electronic/Internet components for all East-West University students, staff, faculty, and administration;
* to locate and make available information for all East-West University constituents;
* to provide a convenient physical setting conducive to learning;
* to provide for all constituents the opportunity, in the form of information access, materials, and space, to pursue study and research which carries beyond specific course requirements;
* to provide the opportunity, in the form of information access, materials and space, for faculty development with specific reference to enhancing effectiveness in instructional delivery;
* to provide the opportunity, in the form of information access, materials, and space, for faculty development with specific reference to enhancing course content;
* to provide the opportunity, in the form of information access, materials and space, for administrative/institutional research and development and for staff development.
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