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Search result: Marymount University
What is ACT and How to Register for the test
How to Register for the ACT The ACT is a standardized test that is used in much the same way as the SAT for college admissions. In order to take it, however, you must register. There are a couple of....
Resources for Test Preparation
Tips on how to get or keep a job using skills from the acting trade
No joke: Learning improv can help in any field Tips on how to get or keep a job using skills from the acting trade By Amy Hoak Chicago's Second City is known as a training ground for comedic actors,....
Resources for Job Search
Opinion and Advice for Graduate School in the Humanities
Graduate School in the Humanities: Just Don't Go By Thomas H. Benton Nearly six years ago, I wrote a column called "So You Want to Go to Grad School?" (The Chronicle, June 6, 2003). My purpose....
Resources for Graduate Schools
Money Management Tips For College Students
Money Management Tips For College Students By Staff Writer Managing money well is a challenging task for most college students. Though most college students have good support of their parents, it is....
Resources for Colleges
Tips to get a scholarship for your college
Tips to get a scholarship for your college By Staff Writer Getting scholarships is always a great thing; but getting one now is actually a blessing. The USA and most of the other countries in....
Resources for Financial Aid
How to get College Scholarships
How to get College Scholarships By Staff Writer Would it not be nice if you could get a college scholarship to help you out with your college tuition expenses? In these times of high tuition fees and....
Resources for Financial Aid
Tips to Choose an Online University
Tips to Choose an Online University By Staff Writer Technology has changed the face of education. It is now very easy for you to continue your education sitting at your home by enrolling yourself in....
Resources for Colleges
Getting Educational Loans From The US Government – Your Financial Aid To Higher Education
Educational Loans From The US Government – Your Financial Aid To Higher Education By Staff Writer Today’s global economic picture is quite gloomy. More and more people are losing....
Resources for Financial Aid
Earn Scholarships To Fund Your Higher Education
Earn Scholarships To Fund Your Higher Education By Staff Writer Nowadays higher education requires a lot of money. Students from middle and low income families cannot fund their college education....
Resources for Financial Aid
Manage Your Money Wisely As A College Student
Manage Your Money Wisely As A College Student By Staff Writer Students with rich parents can do without worrying about money. But for most, getting a college degree is expensive. Even if your parents....
Resources for Colleges

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