The purring noise of a cat, although most people think that cats purr because they are content, is actually involuntary and is not directly related with the emotion of the cat.
A) The purring noise of a cat, although most people think that cats purr because they are content, is actually involuntary and is not directly related with the emotion of the cat.
B) Although most people think that cats purr because they are content, the purring noise of a cat is actually involuntary and is not directly related with the emotion of the cat.
C) Although most people think that cats purr because they are content, the purring noise of a cat is actually involuntary and is not directly related to the emotion of the cat.
D) The purring noise of a cat, although most people think that cats purr because they are content, is actually involuntary and is not directly related to the emotion of the cat.
E) Although most people think that cats are purring because they are content, the purring noise of a cat is actually involuntary and is not directly related with the emotion of the cat.
Correct Answer : C