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  • Role of Higher Education in Fostering Entrepreneurship
  • Posted By:
  • Kathy H
  • Posted On:
  • 12-Oct-2011
  • As with any other country, the future of our America depends on the quality of higher education. Today’s global society is increasingly based on knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurship. A well educated population with progressive thinking is essential for our economic growth. Our university learning is essentially motivated and shaped by pure research practices and values such as innovation, originality and discovery.

    Some of the objectives of the bachelor’s degree in our country include quantitative reasoning, scientific reasoning, critical thinking, respect for diversity, readiness for work, moral reflection, preparation for citizenship, appreciation of national values, transmission of culture and broad intellectual knowledge. A strong root that holds all these objectives is intelligibility for how do we change a world we are unable to understand?

    If we do not know our own limitations, strengths, motivations and ourselves, there is no way we can advance. More comprehension means more ability to manage which in turn is the foundation for growth, progress, fulfillment and creativity.  Contemporary life conditions and experience must be reflected by our higher education if the fundamental goal of learning is intelligibility.

    The reality in which we live must be taken into account by colleges before they teach students on how to affect the reality and how to make sense of it. There is no way a static and insular education can succeed. In order to become an educated person able to handle the pressures of reality, it is first imperative to read great works of the past as well as strive to answer persisting questions related to human nature.

    Other features that should be distinctive to our higher education include adaptability, dynamism, and the capability of answering questions related to society, nature and human experience. Contemporary America is all about entrepreneurship, enterprise and dynamic passion for creation.

    It is important to continue fostering all these qualities as they are absolutely essential in motivating improvement and innovation of our institutions, goods and services. This in turn ensures that our institutions become more effective, affordable and efficient. Entrepreneurship plays a major role in enhancing quality of our lives both individually and on a collective basis.

    Higher education curriculum must be designed in such a manner that it encourages entrepreneurship and shows students how to change the way they work, the way they live and the way they communicate.

    In order to ensure improvement and innovation, the most important aspect we must focus on is intelligibility. It is evident that the incomprehensible cannot be enhanced or devised. What is a mystery to us cannot be repaired. Highest American learning experience can be made possible only through generation of new knowledge and the fundamental purpose of our education is intelligibility.

    College education and entrepreneurship are closely linked to each other. The success of one deeply reflects on the success of the other. Keeping all this in mind, it is imperative to include entrepreneurship as a legitimate subject in our undergraduate education. Entrepreneurship should also be applied to management of universities and to our intrinsic learning approach.


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